Is it Dostoevsky or Dostoyevsky? Tolstoy or Tolstoi? In today's regulatory climate, such distinctions have become a chief concern of IT organizations.
IBM's mainframe unit finished with a strong Q4, a new release of its z/OS and more publicity of its zSeries Academic Initiative, a program to promote Big Iron to the Generation Y set. Why, then, are so many mainframe pros pessimistic about Big Iron's future?
Now that IBM, Microsoft and Oracle have built (or are in the process of building) robust ETL facilities into their flagship relational databases, the commoditization of ETL is all but certain. At least it would seem so.
The best capacity planning/performance management software can help IT leaders identify as much as 50 percent of the IT resources sitting idle in their data centers.
The early draft of Sun's JSR 270 specification, which governs the content of the Java SE 6 Mustang release, is now available, says Sun's chief Java2 engineer, Mark Reinhold in a recent blog post (
The Apache Software Foundation has released Apache Geronimo 1.0, its Java app server.
ClearNova is releasing ThinkCAP JX, a visual dev environment for building rich Internet apps with AJAX, as open source.
Microsoft and SAP recently hosted a technology preview of Mendocino, an initiative to more tightly couple Microsoft's Office productivity suite with SAP's application stack.
Business Objects recently expanded its partnership with open-source database vendor MySQL by notching a new OEM referral agreement.
SOA software provider Flashline is offering consulting services to help companies better govern SOA and manage Web services.
According to management consultancy Foote Partners, average compensation for certified and uncertified programmers is on the rise—and there’s a chance that the best is still to come, as enterprise CIOs shift their focus from compliance requirements back to innovation.
In the wake of multiple data-breach disclosures and additional state laws governing such breaches, many companies are surveying the conduits through which sensitive information can escape the enterprise.
Recently, iConclude launched a product suite called Repair System aimed at making problem resolution more efficient.
Project mangers at Eclipse went live with the Web Tools Platform Project last week.
SANDev has released the first production version of SANDev 1.0.0.
Sun Microsystems announced NetBeans Profiler Milestone 11, the latest release of its Java app profiler, and an add-on to the upcoming open-source NetBeans IDE release 5.
Open-source software has gone far beyond the Linux operating system.
The Storage Networking Industry Association has received and reviewed a proposed new spec for an application/storage interface from a consortium of storage providers.
About 80 percent of enterprises worldwide haven't considered the potential impact of a global epidemic, such as avian flu, might have on business continuity plans, according to Basex, researchers on the productivity of knowledge workers and how technology affects them.
SAVVIS announced a portfolio of managed security utility services it calls the SAVVIS Security Utility.