Application Development Trends' News

Two free utilities for developers

Lumen Software has released two free utilities: Lumenation v6.0 SDK LightBulb, a middleware framework, and AJAX z-Windows engine. According to Lumen, it aims to provide users with business-ready AJAX/LAMP+ app dev, no matter their backgrounds in platforms such as Java, ASP, FoxPro, Access and Dbase.

Red Hat acquires JBoss; takes open source to next level

Red Hat Linux has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire JBoss; Red Hat believes the combination of the product lines will accelerate enterprises shift to SOAs by making open-source platforms available to customers that seek to lower dev and deployment costs.

More Vista security details emerge, but will enterprises bite?

The next-generation Microsoft operating system packs needed security features, but the adoption forecast for Windows-weary enterprises is cloudy.

New front in the doc format war

Another state government has joined the debate over how best to guarantee long-term access to office documents, free of the restrictions of proprietary software or the limitations of outdated technologies.

BEA ups ante for SharePoint integration and .NET development

Two new BEA Systems products aim to increase value and ease of use for customers using both Java and .NET platforms; the new releases are a milestone on what BEA calls its “unified portal roadmap,” announced last December.

Netcordia membership ‘A catalyst for rapid innovation’

Network analysis tool provider Netcordia has been selected for membership in Avaya’s DeveloperConnection program, which promotes the development, compliance-testing and co-marketing of innovative third-party products that are compatible with standards-based Avaya solutions.

Enterprise service bus for serviced-enabled environments

New features in IONA Technologies’ Artix 4.0, the latest version of the company's extensible Enterprise Service Bus, address the needs of customers deploying SOA in highly complex, mission-critical heterogeneous environments.

Big three take on the Google phenomenon

Oracle has thrown its hat into the enterprise search arena, joining IBM and Microsoft in a market Gartner estimates has annual revenues as high as $370 million.

Q&A: Straight talk on mainframe futures

Seagull Software’s Andre Den Haan isn’t a knee-jerk contrarian—but he also isn’t afraid to call it as he sees it

Building Better Applications: Beyond Secure Coding

While teaching developers “secure coding” techniques is important, experts say far more is needed to actually produce secure applications.

Data centers of the future will run faster, hotter and leaner than ever

Next-gen enterprise data centers will be smaller, more nimble and efficient, and focused on delivering new and innovative services, according to new research from IDC.

Why talent once again matters

What is workforce performance management and why should it matter to you? A growing number of organizations are investing in WPM solutions to help them proactively identify and retain top IT talent.

A world of computers with one mind

Toshiba and MIT’s Media Lab plan to launch the “GlobalMind” project, a large-scale knowledge database designed to promote advancements in the field of AI technology.

Seagull Software makes a play for IBM's MDp users

Seagull Software, a provider of solutions that transform legacy business apps into service-oriented architecture assets, announced that LegaSuite for CICS supports a migration path for customers using IBM's Message-Driven processor.

Actuate launches Eclipse-based BI reporting tool

Actuate announced the general availability of Actuate BIRT 2.0, a business intelligence and reporting tool, based upon Eclipse BIRT, an open-source reporting project. BIRT 2.0 allows report developers to import styles from existing Web site CSS files and was designed to deliver ease-of-use and flexibility to report developers, who are typically not Java coders.

Performance management takes a backseat to process management

Performance management be darned-or (at the very least) nudged aside. Business intelligence (BI) vendors have a very different kind of BPM-viz., business process management-on the brain, as both Cognos Inc. and Actuate Corp. recently notched BPM-related deals with IBM Corp.

Infravio and Layer 7 announce SOA governance interoperability

Partnerships to provide interoperability among products designed to support governance of service-oriented architectures continue to be announced this week. Infravio and Layer 7 Technologies have completed integration between their respective SOA solutions, X-Registry Platform and SecureSpan.

Exadel's component framework does some of the AJAX dev work for you

Commercial tool provider Exadel is rolling out a Web component framework for building apps based on JavaServer Faces components. What's new is that the open source IDE takes some of the development work out of creating AJAX-enabled components.

Xerox launches two new versions of DocuShare Content Management Software

Xerox Corporation today unveiled DocuShare CPX and DocuShare 5.0; both products, separately or together, handle document and content management for business needs. The company promises mix-and-match flexibility with both types of software on the simplicity of a single platform.

Genuitec previews NetBeans GUI builder for MyEclipse

A preview of Genuitec's Matisse4MyEclipse GUI Builder plug-in is available for developers. Matisse4MyEclipse is based on the GUI Builder feature recently released in NetBeans 5.0, which was codenamed Project Matisse. The Genuitec implementation of Matisse enables the creation of Java Swing rich-client apps within the MyEclipse environment.