Application Development Trends' News

Microsoft: Windows XP Product Keys Running Out

New keys to be in system builders' hands by September.

Exchange Beta Released

Service Pack 1 expected to be publicly shipping late this year.

Oracle 11g Ships, But New Features Cost Extra

Database server gets new features and pricing options.

Microsoft Releases Nine Patches

Six of the patches fix "Critical" vulnerabilities.

Virtualization Rules the Day at LinuxWorld

Show's speakers give thumbs up to virtualization-Linux combination.

Terracotta Forms Global Partner Network

Company expands support for its Java Virtual Machine clustering solution.

Server-Side AJAX for the Enterprise

The ThinWire framework helps developers write AJAX apps that execute entirely on the server, meeting the data-centric, high-security needs of an enterprise.

Microsoft To Release Six 'Critical' Patches Tuesday

Three "Important" updates also coming on that day.

Java and .NET Camps Split Over SOA

But use of .NET shows decrease in survey results.

VS Beta 2: Bug Fixes, Final Features, Polish and Shine

Features of Visual Studio 2008, code-named "Orcas," get near finalization with the release of Beta 2.

IBM and Novell Team on Open Source App Server

Companies rev up the open source application server market with partnership deal.

Microsoft Releases Vista Updates To Public

Fixes expected to be part of SP1.

VMware Releases Virtualization Software for Mac

Fusion joins growing list of virtualization products for Macs.

'Rosario' CTP Surfaces

Blogger describes community technology preview of latest Visual Studio Team System.

Build AJAX Security With JSON

AJAX-era security requires tossing out a lot of what you thought you knew about security, starting with Same Origin Policy.

Microsoft Web Server Threatens Open Source Leader

IIS makes big gains on Apache in last month.

SQL Server 2008: Some CTP 2 Ins and Outs

Redmond omits anticipated policy management enhancement in latest release.

Tibco Ramps Up Open Source AJAX

Company donates its message bus technology to OpenAjax Alliance.

Crosstalk: Opinions From the Open XML Debate

Microsoft's OOXML format, newly embraced by Massachusetts' IT Division as an open standard, produced divided views along the way toward approval.

Delays Hit Next Version of Office for Macs

Ship date slips into early 2008.