Application Development Trends' News

New Open Source PASETO Library Offers JWT Alternative

New Java developer library streamlines use of Platform Agnostic Security Tokens (PASETOs) and provides an alternative to JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to authenticate end users.

Red Brick Graphic

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3 Beta Released

Red Hat announces the beta availability of the latest minor release of the RHEL 8 platform.

GitHub Unveils Public Roadmap

GitHub today launched a new publicly accessible repository designed to allow anyone to look into all of the platform’s upcoming releases.

Google Cloud's Confidential Computing Breakthrough Encrypts Data In-Use

Google Cloud's Confidential Virtual Machines enable users to encrypt their data for the first time in-use--in other words, while it's being processed, in-memory, not just when it's at rest in storage or in-transit.

Container Stack

Red Hat and GraalVM Community Create "Mandrel" GraalVM Distro

Java community leader Red Hat launches new GraalVM distro.

Apache Cassandra 4.0 Now in Beta

Calling it "the most stable Apache Cassandra in history," the community behind the popular open-source distributed database announced the 4.0 beta release this week.

Docker Collaborates with AWS To Streamline Container Workflow

Docker and Amazon Web Services (AWS) have collaborated to build a simplified workflow that allows developers to quickly and easily switch from running containers in a local Docker Desktop environment to Amazon's Elastic Container Service (ECS).

Google Cloud's BigQuery Omni Connects Users to AWS and Azure

Google Cloud introduced a new multicloud analytics solution this week that allows the BigQuery petabyte-scale data warehouse service to connect directly to data stored in other clouds.

VS Code Gets New JavaScript Debugger

Microsoft's monthly update to its wildly popular open source, cross-platform Visual Studio Code editor has a new JavaScript debugger.

SUSE Expands Kubernetes Footprint with Rancher Labs Acquisition

SUSE, the open source software company behind the SUSE Linux distribution, has agreed to acquire Rancher Labs, an enterprise Kubernetes management platform provider, the two companies announced this week.

Puppet's 'Relay' Beta Release: A Response to Growing DevOps Complexity

IT automation software maker Puppet's recent launch of the public beta of a new event-driven automation platform for DevOps called "Relay" addresses the "immense complexity" created by the enterprise shift to the cloud, the company says.

Red Hat Runtimes Gets an Update

Red Hat this week announced the latest release of its Red Hat Runtimes product suite, which includes updates of Quarkus, Red Hat Data Grid, and the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) expansion pack.

Java Devs Using Microsoft VS Code: Upgrade to Java 11 Now

Microsoft has issued a "Call for Action" to Java developers using its Visual Studio Code (VS Code) source-code editor to make sure their code runs on Java 11 or above, soon.

Eclipse Jakarta EE 9 Reaches Milestone 1

The Jakarta EE 9 release marks the final transition away from the javax.* namespace (which Oracle refused to give up) to Eclipse's jakarta.*.

Microsoft Collaborating with Red Hat on OpenJDK Port for Windows 10 ARM

As part of the first phase of the in-progress port, Microsoft will push its development work upstream to the OpenJDK project.

Python Edges Out Java in Annual Usage Survey

The Java programming language continued to be the most popular primary programming language among developers during the past 12 months, according to a new survey, but Python topped the list of most used languages overall during that period.

BMC Acquires Mainframe Toolmaker Compuware

BMC's acquisition of Compuware brings together BMC's Automated Mainframe Intelligence offering and Compuware's Topaz suite, ISPW technology, and classic product portfolios to modernize mainframe environments.

AWS Boosts Mobile App Development with Amplify Libraries

Cloud giant Amazon Web Services extended its Amplify family of cloud tools/services for developing mobile apps with new iOS- and Android-specific libraries.

JetBrains Plugs IntelliJ IDEA Into Big Data

Software development toolmaker JetBrains, creator of the Java dev fav IntelliJ IDEA, today unveiled the full public access preview of Big Data Tools, a new plugin designed to allow developers to work with Zeppelin notebooks, Spark applications, and S3 files from within that popular IDE.

Red Hat Advances Java on Kubernetes with Quarkus

Red Hat announced that its Quarkus Kubernetes-native Java framework is now fully supported in Red Hat Runtimes. The move advances Java on Kubernetes, the IBM subsidiary said in a statement, “bridging the gap between traditional Java applications and cloud-native environments.”

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