Enterprise software giant SAP is about halfway through what may be the largest conversion ever to Agile development practices and it's going well so far, according to a recent interview with Co-CEO Jim Hagemann Snabe.
The Android OS, which recently vaulted into the No. 1 spot in terms of smartphone sales, is poised to reach another milestone in August: the mobile platform with the greatest number of available apps.
Code named "Mango," Microsoft's next major Windows Phone 7 update is scheduled for this fall, while developers may be getting Mango tools on May 24.
Here's a look at some of the newest ALM-related products and updates hitting the market.
Vupen, a French security group, claimed today that it found a zero-day exploit of Google’s Chrome Web browser when running on Windows.
In a report released on Thursday by IDC, the research group projects an increase in PC microprocessor shipments in the coming future.
A Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) products are now available for developers and new software to enable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) through Red Hat.
Oracle today announced that it has proposed moving the open-source, Java-based continuous integration (CI) server Hudson -- including all the code, the domain name and the trademark -- to the Eclipse Foundation.
Tasktop Technologies recently announced an update to Tasktop Enterprise, which synchronizes tasks between Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) elements and cross-repository Agile planning.
Microsoft last week announced a new service for mobile developers that helps developers port their Apple iOS applications to the Windows Phone 7 platform.
A detailed postmortem explaining Amazon Web Service's massive outage last week that crippled numerous sites was released on Friday.
Dell just announced an update to its recently acquired Boomi software that will include Java Message Service (JMS) connectors for middleware products.
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), an organization that develops and promotes standards for geospatial content and services, this week approved the 3.0 version of its GeoAPI Interface Standard.
Has some of the bloom come off the Android rose? That's what a new survey of developers may be showing.
Oracle today announced the availability of the 7.0 version of the NetBeans integrated development environment (IDE).
Android smartphones continue to explode in popularity. So it's no surprise that the main driver of smartphones -- the apps that run on them -- should be similarly skyrocketing in usage.
The recent release of Google's App Engine 1.4.3 brings its two supported runtimes -- Python and Java -- "even closer to parity," the company said.
Open source integration and messaging company FuseSource this week unveiled a new Eclipse-based IDE for the Apache Camel integration framework.
Microsoft Wednesday announced plans to release a major tools update next month for the upcoming "Mango" platform, slated for existing Windows Phones and future later this year.
VMware announced the launch of Cloud Foundry, which the company is touting as the as the first "open platform as a service" (PaaS), on Tuesday.