DeployDirector from Sitraka Software is among the top deployment tools on the market today. It is a powerful and flexible solution for developers looking to provide a rich Java client to their enterprise users.
The reality of developing Java applications for small spaces has tarnished the Java mantra of "write once, run anywhere." Developing Java applications to run in cell phones, pagers, automobiles, and industrial devices has returned Java to its original target environment—small spaces. The primary focus of this column is to introduce the Java small space environment and the pitfalls awaiting the traditional application developer in the traditionally embedded developer world.
One of the favorite, most effective means of helping users accomplish their goals is to use "wizards": step-by-step, fill-in-the-blank guides that can lead users gently toward getting the job done. For developers, however, wizards represent another level of complexity in development. Chang describes a simple Swing-based wizard framework that relieves developers from the task of repeatedly creating forms.<P>