Main production.

Power Java
Parsing With JavaCC
by Steve Kapp
Listing 1. Main production.

01    boolean translationUnit(PSEnvironment env) : {
                                                PSObject obj; } {
02        obj = numericType(env) {
03             env.setCurrentObject(obj);
04             return true;
05        }
06      | obj = stringType(env) {
07             env.setCurrentObject(obj);
08             return true;
09        }
10      | obj = nameType(env) {
11             env.setCurrentObject(obj);
12             return true;
13        }
14      | arrayStart(env) {
15             return true;
16        }
17      | obj = arrayType(env) {
18             env.setCurrentObject(obj);
19             return true;
20        }
21      | <EOF> {
22             return false;
23        }
24    }

About the Author

Steve Kapp is a client partner at EMRT in Rochester, NY. Steve can be contacted at [email protected].

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