Java & Eclipse

An excellent choice for beginning developersForté for Java 2.0, Community Edition

Forté for Java 2.0 Community Edition is an integrated development environment designed specifically for Java developers. Mitch discusses the features of the freeware product, as well as some problem areas.

Empower your EJB clients with mobile actions

EJB technology enables client programs to access services and database entities remotely. The performance and scalability of applications that use enterprise beans can suffer if client programs pass large objects to enterprise beans, or make many remote methods call on them. To remedy these performance and scalability problems, users can include methods in the enterprise beans' interfaces that allow client programs to define mobile actions and perform them on their enterprise beans. Roger outlines the four approaches a client program can use to iterate through a large collection of server objects.

IBM: Once and future king?

It's already been a vigorous rebound -- but IBM has just begun to use Java and Internet weapons to regain its throne.

Understanding your audience

Java project managers need an acute awareness of end users' needs. Tig examines why these managers need to position their efforts in a customized manner.