Java & Eclipse

JDK Community Establishes Participation Site

The Java Development Kit Community is seeking interested parties to help create its project page, which details projects that are being developed as part of the community and defines the available roles.

Microsoft and Sun Join on Single Sign-on Specs

Microsoft and Sun Microsystems are collaborating to enhance interoperability between .NET- and Java-based technologies.

Hot PDA Sales Translate into Hot Java Developer Opps

RIM’s ubiquitous BlackBerry has proven so popular that the company is now the top PDA vendor worldwide, according to market research Gartner. Sales of all PDAs worldwide topped 3.4 million units in the first quarter of 2005, a 25 percent increase from the same period last year, Gartner adds.

Rich Internet Client Development gets Richer

OpenLaszlo 3.0, and IDE for Laszlo 2.0 - that'll do nicely sir...

Sun to Open Source Server-Side Java

Sun Microsystems President and COO Jonathan Schwartz said that the open implementation of Java will be good for business.

There’s More to Java vs. .NET Than Technology

If one of your considerations in planning a .NET or J2EE project is finding developers with the right skill set, your location may be a factor.

Breaking Down Walls

Information silos have generated massive amounts of information that may not be easily accessible. SOA can change that.

PreEmptive Solutions bolsters Dotfuscator and DashO

In an effort to help companies develop secure applications for Microsoft .NET and Java, PreEmptive Solutions released Dotfuscator Professional Edition 3.0 and DashO 3.2.

Head to the Big City for Java Jobs

If one of your considerations in planning a .NET or J2EE project is finding developers with the right skill set, your location may be a factor.

A Little Action on Java-ready Phones

Action Engine says it will make its Action Engine Mobile Application Platform and Brand-n-Go Mobile Applications Pack available on Java-enabled mobile phones.

Two Object Relational Mapping Projects Proposed for Eclipse

Hot on the heels of Oracle’s recent announcement of its proposed Eclipse project to support the Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) 3.0 specification, Versant, a data management company, has proposed an Eclipse initiative that appears to stake out the same territory.

Java Swing, the Shining Example of Usability?

Desktop Java is enjoying a long-overdue renaissance. But for Swing (the Java UI toolkit) to be taken seriously, Sun must pay closer attention to usability.

Eclipse Project Takes on Parallel Computing

Development tools for parallel computer systems tend to be architecture-specific, difficult to integrate and fairly basic. Parallel application developers often find themselves juggling tools to match the different machines, shifting gears from stark command-line interfaces and text editors to a range of graphical user interfaces.

Going to SEA with Flashline

If a service-oriented enterprise architecture can build an IT model of your business data and practices, then you can optimize those business processes. That''s where the money is.

Free Java to .NET Migration Workshop

Microsoft hopes to lure more developers into the .NET camp with a free Java to .NET Framework Migration Workshop. The workshop features online, self-paced training designed to introduce Java developers to .NET development concepts based on using their Java skills as a frame of reference.

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