
Accelerate your Web apps by Tricking the Browser

Your users' ill-configured web browsers could be costing you money.

Hack not this book

Thought-provoking essays on software development, in a free book.

Plug and Play Database Clustering

Java-based Sequoia turns your JDBC app into a load-balanced enterprise app

It's a Literal Virtual Threefer

New virtualization products on deck this week from BEA, Virtual Iron, and XenSource.

A Brief History of the Button

Destination elevators make dizzy passengers bump into walls, reportedly.

Book Review: Practical PHP and MySQL

Linux-style web development for Linux, Windows or Mac users

SPL No Longer Required

Sun retires the Sun Public License. No gold watch. No cake. Not even a "good-luck" card signed by everyone in the office.

The Mysterious Case Of Analysis Paralysis

'Fully Dressed Use Cases, the Hallway Closet Approach' by Professor Moriarty

Predictably Random

Java’s random number generator isn’t so random… but it’s meant to be that way

Borland Shifts Gears

Borland has found a buyer for its development tools group—and it's Borland.

Book Review: JavaScript Phrasebook

Cut and paste web development

Java GPL'd

Sun open sources its Java tech under a venerable license; IBM plays the buzzkill.

Underdog Linux Console Makes Waves

The GP2X handheld console demonstrates how to create a loyal following with zero marketing budget.

JAMES Server 2.3.0 released

More than just a Java-based open source mail/news server...

Happy Birthday Eclipse!

Has it really been five years? Time sure flies when you're ripping the stuffing out of an entire market segment.

Microsoft and VMware Debut New Virtualization Offerings

The virtualization marketplace heated up this week with announcements from both Microsoft and chief competitor VMware. Both announcements came at VMware's VMworld conference in Los Angeles.

Fixated on Web Forms

How studying users’ eyes can improve your web apps

Oracle OpenWorld 2006: The Tech Conference that Ate San Francisco

Oracle pulls out all the stops to put on the biggest local tech conference and expo in memory; big show, big announcements, big boat in the hallway.

Developers are from Mars, Programmers are from Venus

Is "developer" just a trendier, more modern synonym for "programmer"?

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