
May the portal be with you

Server pages, both Active- and Java-type, using what many in the industry still call a portal, serve up the coolest view of integrated data. We recently took a peek inside the minds of a couple of portal partisans, from different points on a vast spectrum.

It’s the mainframe’s turn to get the services treatment

They said it was dead, but the mainstay IT platform is ambling into the modern era. The mantra for many shops now is to ‘refresh and renew.’

Facts up! Teach your team to use BI

Even the most perfect BI system will flop unless project managers overcome individual and organizational resistance to change.

Will dev gain at IT’s expense?

You must apply software more carefully to justify new project expenditures these days. Most new expenses will have to be offset by savings elsewhere.

A new look for ADT

Editor-in-Chief Mike Bucken unveils ADT’s new look, which is designed to improve readability and better underscore the magazine’s efforts to provide ever-improving insight into and in-depth coverage of subjects of vital importance to managers responsible for IT development operations.

Borland targets ease of use in next JBuilder Java IDE

Ease of Java deployment is a major objective of next month’s release of Borland JBuilder 9.

Web extra: .NET

A supplement to our October feature story "Heard on the Street: Tales of .NET"

Guest Column: Application development in a services-based world

As we move toward a world in which functionality takes the form of services distributed across networks and the dynamic assembly of applications, development organizations find themselves facing new challenges.

Notes on the Grid: It’s a network problem

Editor-at-Large Jack Vaughan shares his thoughts on grid and network computing.

.NET and Beyond: The big bet

Succeeding with Web services depends on winning the big bet we’re placing on this multi-part security scheme.

Heard on the street: Tales of .NET

Development teams are finding their way toward the new Microsoft platform. They are encountering decent performance, sketchy security standards and a handful of best practices.

.NET finally brings Web services to life

Microsoft has realigned its .NET product set and now finds a slew of customers using its Visual Studio .NET toolset to build applications and Web services.

Is UML heading for fragmentation?

In the “aught-world” of standards (2000 and beyond, that is), compliance is a moving target. Vendors are beginning to push UML 2.0 products, but some people wonder if today’s “standardization” is adequate.

What’s real at Fleet?

For its real-time needs, Fleet delivers business intelligence information through a portal called the Business Advisor.

Product Briefs

A look at software tools and technologies on the market.

What’s in the name “Web service”?

The path to establishment or obscurity of many of today’s leading technologies may be defined in terms of whether they are accepted under the remarkable buzzword of “Web services,” or indeed whether or not people learn to see through the buzzword.

BI: Real time or right time?

It is difficult to debate the need for real-time analytics because the definition of real time itself can be so highly subjective, but everybody wants data “while it’s hot.” Development managers need to navigate a wide field of hyperbole to find the big picture.