
Review: MetaEdit+

MetaEdit+ lets you move a level up the abstraction chain to develop your own domain-specific modeling languages. It's an interesting way to streamline development in a specific domain.

Review: <oXygen />

A capable XML editor that goes beyond the basics, &lt;oXygen /&gt; is java-based for cross-platform usability.

Product Review: WinDriver

WinDriver offers relatively painless device driver development across a variety of platforms. If you can't afford a full-time device engineer, this package may be the next best thing.

Product Review: Altova’s XML IDE gets richer

Altova’s xmlspy 2004 is highly recommended, especially for organizations in which users of varying levels of technical skill are working with XML documents.

Tool talk

Quotes from industry luminaries

Indigo: The end of the rainbow

Longhorn’s Indigo technology -- still years away from its first ship -- could mark Microsoft’s embrace of real interoperability with non-Windows systems.

QA: Manes on mighty morphing services

Middleware expert Anne Thomas Manes has graced these pages before, most recently with an excerpt from her book “Web Services: A Manager’s Guide” [ADT, August 2003]. We caught up with her just before she held a webinar on the dynamic state of Web services platforms.

Do tools matter?

For 30-plus years developers have had a love-hate relationship with tools. Our experts offer their views on the state of development tools today and into the future.

Grid passes buzzword stage

Top computer makers, start-ups rush to build Grid technology and create standards they say can make “on-demand” computing a reality; are users ready?

Book excerpt: On model-driven design

Development managers must carefully implement design paradigms that can link all facets of a project; fundamental understanding of the core design is key.

Best practices: Meta data integration

How you manage your meta data is even more important than what you use to collect it.

Product Briefs

A look at software tools and technologies on the market.

The next step for meta data: Application integration

Solving technical and cultural issues won’t be easy, but using meta data repositories for large app integration projects could provide huge benefits

BAM against the world

Business Activity Monitoring faces plenty of competition in the battle to become the next killer app for execs to get more information faster

Tools debate endures

Corporate developers have simultaneously lauded and trashed development tool technologies; what is the outlook for tools?

Software applications infrastructure: The “new middleware”?

What exactly should those developing solutions view as “middleware”? The answer lies in an understanding of how vendors are approaching the software stack as a means of implementing SOA.

About standards

The Meta-Object Facility (MOF) from the OMG is meant to provide a common basis for meta models.

Books in Brief: A Linux quick start for Windows programmers

Need to write an application that runs on a Linux box? If all your experience up to now has been on Windows machines or mainframes, this book will let you come up to speed quickly on Linux tools and development concepts.

What integration meta data should you collect?

A listing of the major types of integration meta data, as defined by Gartner Inc.

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