Enterprise Architecture News & How-To

University's Agile Software Factory Aims To Fill Enterprise Demand

Bowling Green State University's Agile Software Factory gives students hands-on agile experience and community organizations free apps.

Merb Merges with Rails 3

The Christmas announcement that the Ruby on Rails project would be merging its efforts with the rival Merb framework in the development of Rails 3 was good news and not-so-good. For Ruby developers worried about a community fracture, it was probably good news; for those who liked the idea of choice among Ruby frameworks, maybe not so much.

Coalition Agrees on Top 25 Software Security Errors

A government-led coalition identified common errors in software development with an eye toward improving security.

Enterprise Data Breaches on the Rise, Report Finds

Organizations need a commitment to security and better implementation of security tools, experts say.

Will SOA Fly in 2009?

Despite progress by Microsoft, the economy could put projects lacking quick ROI at risk.

Microsoft Releases First BizTalk 2009 Server Beta

Microsoft on Monday released the public beta of BizTalk Server 2009 along with modules aimed at simplifying RFID deployments.

IBM Offers Cloud Computing Help

Big Blue rolled out initiatives to help organizations assess cloud computing costs and deployments.

Agile Solution Provider Rolls Out Java SDK

VersionOne added support for Java developers in the latest release of its agile management tool.

Open Source SOA Project Gets Axed

The Eclipse Foundation's archiving process for the Application Lifecycle Framework (ALF) project has already started.

Gartner: SOA 'Nearly Universal' in Europe, 'Lagging' in Asia

Gartner study also finds slow adoption rates for mash-ups among enterprises.

Java-Based Data Integration Tool Supports Eclipse

Providing the services layer will drive SOA adoption, XAware argues.

PDC: Microsoft Previews Windows Server 2008 R2

Microsoft on Tuesday showed off a pre-beta version of Windows Server 2008 R2 at its Professional Developers Conference in Los Angeles.

PDC: Microsoft Calls New Cloud Computing OS a 'Turning Point' for Company

New service-based operating system is called Windows Azure.

Microsoft Reveals Oslo Tools

Company's Connected Services division on Friday announced key components of its 'Oslo' modeling platform.

Visual Orchestration Tool for Service-Based Applications

Will the concept of a visual orchestration system usher in a new wave of services-based applications? That's what Active Endpoints hopes.