Application Development News & Articles

Q&A: Straight Talk on Mainframe Futures

Seagull Software’s Andre Den Haan isn’t a knee-jerk contrarian—but he also isn’t afraid to call it as he sees it

The Mainframe Capacity Conundrum: Getting Better All the Time

What’s not to like about z/Linux and other cheap mainframe workloads?

Tool talk with Borland

Borland's merger announcement with Segue Software on February 8 included the news that Borland plans to exit the tools business.

Training: Commitment to IT Pros Still Low

Even companies that have embraced next-generation mainframe workloads often give short shrift to the question of training. What gives?

SOA’s Impact on SLAs: Trouble Ahead

Organizations may see service-enablement, and the next generation of SLAs, as a chance to improve the responsiveness and dynamism of their IT departments.

Red Hat supports certification and production for software stacks

Red Hat said on Tuesday that it has launched a new service to provide certification and production support for open-source software stacks.

Staying Power!

COBOL is here to stay. It’s become UNICODE—compliant, object oriented and XML friendly. It participates in MDA,calls Web services natively and wraps itself in Java. Some mainframe shops are even deploying COBOL apps on Linux.

Borland: Changing with the Times

Attendees at Borland Software's 16th annual developer conference, held last week in San Francisco, got a peek at the company's new CEO, Tod Nielsen. They also got a look at a company in a transition that transcends C-level changes.

Java Code Quality Bugs Dev Managers Most

Things that worry Java development managers who oversee teams of five or more developers are code quality and the inability to minimize bugs before code is released. That’s the upshot of a survey released this week by Clear Horizons, a technology research company.

Deloitte Consulting and iRise Announce Software Dev Alliance

Deloitte Consulting, a professional services organizations, and iRise, an app definition software and services company, announced on Tuesday that they have signed a new alliance agreement. The alliance aims to help clients reduce the cost and effort associated with software development projects, while helping improve the effectiveness of these initiatives, the two companies say.

Services by Design

In the most radical articulation of service enablement, traditional software development will be almost entirely supplanted by a virtual paradigm which disparate Web services are orchestrated dynamically to power composite applications.

Iridium Simulates Space Software with Simics

The next time you feel like complaining about your software management challenges, consider Don Rasure's problem: Much of the software he looks after is in space.

Vendors Release App Fabric, Compliance and Automation Upgrades

ORLANDO—Appistry, Axentis and Opsware are some of the vendors that took advantage of the Gartner Symposium/ITxpo to introduce new product upgrades.

Gartner: SOA and Other Trends to Change How Apps Interoperate

Service-oriented architecture and enterprise service buses will affect app dev and integration over the next 5 years, according to Roy Schulte, a Gartner analyst, at this week’s Gartner Symposium ITxpo in Orlando, Fla.

Tough Decisions for Old Apps

Web enabling or exposing mainframe applications to new and different constituencies—including non-mainframe applications—is supposed to be easy, provided organizations have prepared by separating their app’s business logic from its presentation logic.

IDC Names Eight Macro-Trends Reshaping Enterprise Software

Market researchers at IDC have come up with eight significant, industry-changing trends they say will reshape the enterprise software industry.

Siebel Intro Self-Assessment Tool for Customer Experience Blueprint

Siebel Systems announced on Monday a new online self-assessment tool intended to guide organizations in determining their preparedness to complete stages of the Siebel Customer Experience Blueprint. CEB is a six-step process that Siebel recommends businesses follow for front-office solutions, notably CRM.

IBM Looking Ahead at IT for Maturing Workers

Healthcare providers and insurance companies won't be the only ones facing challenges brought on by our aging population. Software developers are increasingly called upon to provide applications and systems that take into account age-related disabilities and other physical limitations.

IBM Donates RUP Assets to Open Source Community

Big Blue this week plans to contribute software development blueprints to the Eclipse Foundation to help developers make fewer coding mistakes.

Compuware Ups Support for Viz Studio ’05 and Eclipse

Compuware said on Monday it will introduce a new version of Compuware DevPartner Studio that will integrate with Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2005 IDE.

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