The deal opens the way for Trolltech's cross-platform Qt app framework to get a wider foothold across desktop and mobile devices.
Company added push server technology to support its dynamic Web-based e-mail and collaboration software.
An open source governance solution for service-oriented architectures was released by the company, along with other SOA products.
Company offers two upgrade options to support streaming media.
Timeline will slip to third quarter, according to blogger.
Company unveiled its virtualization management beta, which aims to ease the task of IT administrators who track software changes across the enterprise.
Most analysts believe the acquisition benefits both companies and is a signature milestone in Sun's long and painstaking trek back to relevancy.
The move seems to have come out of nowhere. What does it all mean?
IT hosting company responds to customer demand for virtual servers.
Vista SP1 may arrive next month, plus additional news from Redmond.
Enterprise-grade tools, part of the Eclipse development platform, are now available.
All registered developers can now contribute to open standards collaboration solutions being developed at
System builders can now get a piece of the $10 million program.
Redmond is also buying a desktop virtualization vendor.
Company's server bug suggests that end users of hosted services may need an alternative data backup plan.
Company adds additional scripting language capability to open source SOA platform.
Efforts meant to help compete against VMware.
The library add-on helps support Microsoft Office 2007-type projects.
Source code has been released under a read-only license agreement.
Redmond's MEDC will be rolled into ESC and Tech Ed 2008.