Application Development News & Articles

Report: Silverlight 1.0 Release Candidate Imminent

Microsoft's alternative to Adobe's Flash will become available to developers in a couple of weeks.

SOA News: Iona's Open Source Initiative

Last week, companies announced various product deals and developments in the service-oriented architecture (SOA) space. The big news was an open source play by Iona Technologies.

Game Theory

Can the practices of leading game developers help you write better software? (Article courtesy of Redmond Developer News, July 15, 2007.)

IBM Loosens Its Open Standards Patent Rights

Company aims to increase software interoperability by not asserting rights to more than 150 Web technology patents.

BizTalk Server 2006 R2, 'Shrink-Wrapped SOA' Coming in September

Microsoft meets its shipping goal for server, and talks service-oriented architecture, too.

Microsoft Stacks Up Its SOA Strategy -- Q&A

Burley Kawasaki provides details on Microsoft's service-oriented architecture ideas.

Astadia Enables SaaS Via Pervasive's Solution

Companies form partnership to deliver CRM solutions.

Microsoft Pushes Into Forefront

Suite of security tools represents opportunity for partners.

Software Testing Gets Virtualized

VMware and Borland integrate their solutions to enable testing across platforms.

Oracle's 11g Database Unveiled Without Windows Version

Linux version of database is expected to ship this quarter, Oracle official says.

'Launch Wave' of Microsoft Products Coming in 2008

Three major new releases will be coming next February.

Openbravo Seeks Partners on Open Source ERP

Spanish company launches program to build international partner base.

SOA Trends Indicated in IBM Survey

An IBM tradeshow poll found signs that businesses are beginning to ramp up their service-oriented architecture efforts.

Windows Vista SP1 Gets Fast-Tracked

The ship date for Microsoft's OS upgrade has moved to November.

Uniloc Releases Improved Copy Protection Solution

A new throttling capability helps publishers achieve greater control over piracy and software licensing.

Microsoft Rejects Latest Open Source License

GPLv3 causes rift between Microsoft, Novell.

W3C Releases Web Services Protocol

The new WSDL 2.0 protocol adds standardization and better interoperability for Web services and service-oriented architectures.

Microsoft Releases New CTP for ADO.NET Entity Framework

Release features changes to Object Services, Query and the Entity Data Model Wizard in Visual Studio.

Windows Plans on the Wane for Developers

A survey found a decline in the number of North American developers who say they are targeting Windows.

BPM: Is It SOA's Reason for Being?

A service-oriented architecture makes the business case by enabling something else, and that something could be business process management.