Application Development News & Articles

Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Coming Friday

Service pack will be released about a year after the server first shipped.

Software Production Management Benefits Cited in Survey

Study finds that SPM solutions help developers automate production and achieve lower costs.

Telelogic Adds UML 2.1 Modeling to Architect Solutions

Two of the company's enterprise lifecycle management products now use the same modeling environment, allowing improved team collaboration.

SpringSource Adds Annotation Support to Java App Framework

The latest version of the Spring Framework for Java developers has been released.

Affero General Public License V3 Released

The new license applies open source principles to network-run software.

Nvidia CUDA Helps Bring Parallel Programming to the Classroom

Beta version, adopted by 20 universities, enables app development on graphics processing units.

Rails Yet To Make Dent in the Enterprise

Panelists at a recent QCon event praised the Ruby on Rails programming language, which currently lacks a track record in the enterprise.

Coverity Adds Java Support to OSS Scan Service

Users can check Java- and C/C++-based software for potential security and quality problems before compiling code.

GoldenGate 9.5 Boosts Data Management

Solution aimed at supporting mission-critical data in the enterprise.

Coming: Virtualization Validation Program From Microsoft

Redmond makes way for virtualization competitors.

IBM and Mainsoft Ink Deal To Integrate .NET Apps

WebSphere Portal will be sold with Mainsoft's .NET-Java interoperability solution.

Genuitec Checks Eclipse Pulse

Company combines Eclipse IDE provisioning and products with social networking site.

Microsoft Releases Visual Studio 2008

.NET Framework 3.5 also released.

Miko Says: 'Make SOA Real'

The Software AG exec added that companies can stay competitive if they adopt service-oriented architectures.

OASIS Ramps Up SDO Efforts for SOAs

The standards group formed a technical committee to foster the Service Data Objects specification, an approach for handling data in service-oriented architectures.

Virtualization Key at Oracle OpenWorld

Plans for Linux, Fusion and 11g were also part of the announcements at recent Oracle user group meeting.

Former Lotus Exec Now Hatching Ideas for Microsoft

Reed Sturtevant reunited with Ray Ozzie, Microsoft's chief software architect.

Red Hat and Platform Computing Team on Grid Solution

Agreemeent marks effort to provide high-performance computing solutions at a lower cost.

Nortel Offers SOA-Enabled Enterprise Communications

The company's first partner is IBM in a strategy to simplify application development for business communications.

Sun's CEO Unveils Virtualization Solution

Schwartz describes virtualization management platform at Oracle OpenWorld event.