
Novell sees 'common tooling strategy' in Eclipse

Novell Inc., Waltham, Mass., recently announced that it is joining the Eclipse open-source initiative. The company said its embrace of Eclipse tools integration technology allows it to provide "a common tooling strategy" for developers working with its products.

"Eclipse will create a virtual 'one-stop shop' for Novell developers," said Chris Cooper, director of developer services at Novell. "All the resources a developer needs to write, build and test Novell-based software solutions will be available to the developer in a single tool."

He explained that the core functionality of Eclipse will allow the Novell Developer Services Group to focus on offering specific valued-added services and programs for developers because the company will not need to "devote our resources to providing distinct tools for each separate programming environment or task."

Cooper said that within the Eclipse ecosystem Novell will unify its tools "across not only traditional Novell offerings, but also for our recently added SuSE and Ximian Linux-based environments, and open-source projects like Mono."

For more Eclipse news, go to ADT Eclipse Page

About the Author

Rich Seeley is Web Editor for Campus Technology.

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