
LinuxWorld news roundup

A review of show news from LinuxWorld, New York, Jan 2003

At LinuxWorld: New tools fuel continued enthusiasm
If developer proponents of the Linux platform have been meeting resistance from managers because the bosses view Linux software as a potential computer room renegade, they may take heart. It seems that cynical view is quickly fading if the LinuxWorld Conference & Expo, held last week in New York City, is a valid indicator. -Jan 24, 2003

Linux percolates on client side, too
Even as Linux makes substantial inroads on the server side, observers ask if it will ever play a big role on client systems. But some evidence of activity emerged at LinuxWorld. -Jan 23, 2003

DB2 for Linux Clustering scales to 1,000 nodes
IBM this week used the LinuxWorld stage to unveil a new implementation of its mainstay relational database -- DB2 for Linux Clustering. The new DB2 implementation can scale from two to 1,000 nodes, IBM officials said. -Jan 22, 2003

Hooking kids on Lindows
It's an old strategy, but a good one: Get the young folks using your technology when they're in school, and they just might get hooked for a lifetime. -Jan 22, 2003

Linux: SCO adds licensing unit, famed attorney
The SCO Group this week created a new business division dubbed SCOsource to manage the licensing of its Unix intellectual property assets and hired famed Microsoft prosecutor David
Boies to defend those assets. - Jan. 22, 2003

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