Submissions Guidelines

C++ Report Submission Guidelines

These guidelines should be read in full prior to article submission.

Up Front FAQ: Submitting a Feature Article to C++ Report
If you have a topic you think would be of interest to C++ Report readers, by all means, please write and submit an article! Both new and established authors are welcome. But, before you submit, please do the following, in approximate order:

  • Read the magazine. See the kinds of topics and articles we publish, and how they are presented. The best writers are also regular readers.
  • Write for the programmers in the trenches, and those around them. Pick topics that apply in real-world programming, whether for small or large systems, and show how the material can be used today. Feature articles typically run about 3,000 words; if you article is shorter than 2,000 words, or longer than 4,000 words, reconsider the article's scope or partition it into a series (see below).
  • Follow the suggested writing style discussed later in this document.
  • Before you submit, we strongly suggest that you send drafts out to several of your friends or colleagues for early review. No matter how good your first draft may be, early review by friendly peers will help you to improve it and ensure we see it in a more polished form and therefore the best possible light.
  • What to submit:
    • Include a 300-word abstract/summary that summarizes the topic, scope, and approach of your article; submissions without abstracts will be returned unread.
    • Include your author bio. It should demonstrate why you are qualified to write this article.
    • List similar past articles (in C++ Report and elsewhere) you're aware of, and state what distinguishes your article.
    • Submit in Word format if at all possible. Graphic figures, if any, may be embedded in the document for now, but if your article is accepted we'll ask you to split each out into a separate graphic file.
  • Submissions should be sent electronically to the Editor-in-Chief, Herb Sutter ([email protected]) via e-mail. Contributions exceeding word count limits will be returned to authors for cuts. All articles are subject to peer review by the editorial board and selected members of the C++ community. Notification of acceptance and assignment to an issue will shortly follow the review process. All submissions are final; material will not be returned. Authors are required to assign copyright to 101communications LLC. Copyright forms will be sent on notification of acceptance.
Thanks for your interest in C++ Report! The rest of these guidelines is still relevant; don't stop reading now.

Mission and Audience
C++ Report provides software engineers, programmers, managers, and educators with the informational tools necessary to excel in the growing world of C++ programming. The magazine emphasizes real-world techniques and solutions, useful for working programmers doing development for small systems through enterprise systems. C++ Report serves the entire C++ community with topics including, but not limited to:

  • OO and distributed OO development techniques employing C++
  • Generic programming techniques employing C++
  • C++ language features and tutorials
  • Performance and efficiency
  • Network programming
  • Inter- and intranet development techniques
  • C++ library development
  • Large-scale development
  • Testing
  • Case studies of the successful use of C++
  • C++ in the field of education
Authors should focus on showing how their material is directly applicable to working programmers, so that readers can derive benefit from the material immediately, either in the form of specific coding techniques or of a better understanding of the C++ community.

C++ Report is a 4-color magazine published 12 times/per year. We accept submissions in the following classifications:

  • Feature articles: 2,000–4,000 words, 2–3 per issue.
    • All submitted articles must satisfy some genuine need in the C++ community with respect to C++, object-oriented development, and/or generic programming using C++, be highly informative and lucid, and be appropriate to at least one subset of C++ Report's audience. Each submission must have a brief (one or two paragraph) abstract/summary that can be used to evaluate the topic, scope, approach, and differences from prior related articles. Diagrams and examples, including code fragments and complete programs, should be provided as needed. Some code examples may be published on the C++ Report Web site with a reference in the printed article.
    • Feature article series: two or more installments, each 2,000–4,000 words. A series is a collection of articles offering the author an opportunity to address a topic in great depth. Series should be clearly partitioned into subtopics.
    • Interview or profile of C++ industry VIPs. An interview or profile should discuss the "mover's" background, current line of work and primary contributions, primary work today, object of interview or profile, and conclusion. An "eye on the future" perspective should be maintained, including a discussion on where the "mover's" contribution will bring the C++ community in the near future.
  • Book reviews: 1,000–2,000 words, one per issue. A useful review of a current book highlights the purpose and content of the book, and provides specific reasons why the book is or is not of direct practical value to the working programmer.
  • Product reviews and summaries: 1,000–2,000 words,one per issue. Reviews of software products and their efficacy. A review should describe the purpose, content, and intended audience of the item and make critical comments on its accuracy and success in fulfilling its purpose. If appropriate, the author should comment on the suitability of the item for educational purposes.
  • Columns: three pages, 2,000–2,500 words in length, 5–7 per issue. Columns are designed to provide an ongoing discussion of a topic area, offering the columnist an opportunity to cover a topic in great breadth over an extended period of time, and to track changes and trends in the topic area as the technology matures. Columnists are generally added by invitation only, but column proposals will be considered from authors who have published feature articles with us in the past.
  • Letters to editor. Editorial comments provide a means for feedback and interaction for both author and reader.
We request the following elements of style for all submissions:

  • Put the message up front. The opening paragraph of the article should be strong and clearly state the topic and what readers will learn. The opening sentence of each paragraph should state the main point of the paragraph.
  • Be clear. Make your writing plain and direct, and do use "I" and "we." Don't write formal or wordy prose; this is not an academic journal. (Note: Long-winded introductory paragraphs are a fast track to the "rejected" pile.)
  • Use short code examples. Code should appear in a constant width font (usually Courier is a good choice) not exceeding 60 characters per line. A Word document template with appropriate settings has been provided for your convenience. Extensive code listings and appendices may be posted on C++ Report's Web site to free up space.
  • No double spaces, even after periods.
  • No double returns, even after paragraphs.
  • Clearly mark subheads.
  • Use tabs instead of spaces for formatting tables, lists, code, etc.
  • Do not manually hyphenate; the page layout software will do this.
  • Color graphics and/or figures are encouraged; formats supported at present are EPS (Macintosh only), PICT, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, etc. Charts or other graphics should be submitted in clear, reproducible copy.
  • Author should include a brief bio (no more than two to three sentences) with article submission. Bio should include author's e-mail address.
  • Author should include phone and fax numbers with the submission, so we can send page proofs of the article and contact the author if necessary. We also need current mailing address for our records and Social Security number (needed to issue honoraria to US residents).
Editorial Staff Contact Information
Herb Sutter; [email protected]

Executive Editor
Kathleen M. Major; [email protected]

Managing Editor
Jeri-Lynn Caliendo; [email protected]

Online Managing Editor
Dan Olawski; [email protected]

Assistant Managing Editor
Maria McGrath; [email protected]

Emily Rich; [email protected]

Graphic Designer
John Lange; [email protected]

Current 2000 Columnist List
Andrei Alexandrescu

Matt Austern
The Standard Librarian

Jim Coplien
Column Without a Name

Steve Dewhurst
Common Knowledge

Kevlin Henney
From Mechanism to Method

Jim Hyslop, Herb Sutter

Andrew Koenig
Traps and Pitfalls

Angelika Langer, Klaus Kreft
Effective Standard Library

Stan Lippman, Josée Lajoie
Standard C++ Programming

Robert C. Martin
Engineering Notebook

Rob Murray
Obfuscated C++

Jack Reeves
(B)leading Edge

Doug Schmidt, Steve Vinoski
Object Interconnections

Herb Sutter
Sutter's Mill

John Vlissides
Pattern Hatching

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