
Pervasive PSQL Certified for Windows 2008, Adds Linux Support

Pervasive Software said the beta version of its Pervasive PSQL Summit 10.10 has been certified for use on Windows Server 2008 64-bit, and will support Windows Vista SP1 and Red Hat and SuSE Linux variants.

Pervasive PSQL Summit 10.10 is a data management and development environment. The company says that developed applications can be deployed on all manner of form factors, from desktops to PDAs without heavy reconfiguration.

The live version of the solution will include enhanced Xtreme I/O, support for the Eclipse Rich Client Platform 3.3 framework, and support for highly available Linux-HA clustering.

Pervasive PSQL Summit 10.10 beta can be downloaded here.

About the Author

Michael Domingo is executive editor, new media, and editor of You can contact Michael at [email protected].

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