2 Open Source Eclipse IoT Projects Released Ahead of EclipseCon 2015

The San Francisco edition of the Eclipse Foundation's user conference, EclipseCon 2015, gets under way next week (March 9-12). I'm looking forward to catching some sessions and keynotes on a range of topics, but I'm particularly intrigued by the foundation's activities around the Internet of Things (IoT). The Eclipse IoT momentum just keeps building. In fact, two open-source projects that are part of that effort, Eclipse Paho and Eclipse Mosquitto, announced new releases this week.


Posted by John K. Waters on March 6, 20150 comments

Report: Oracle's Click-to-Play Feature Greatly Improves Java Security

During last October's JavaOne conference, I attended the post-keynotes Java panel, where leaders of the various Java organizations within Oracle, along with JCP chairman Patrick Curran, lined up at one end of the press room to answer reporters' questions. It's a traditional part of the event, this panel, and I've been to more than a few of them, so you'd think I would have noticed immediately the dearth of questions about the security of Java, which had kicked off the Q&A for the last few years. But it was Henrik Stahl, vice presidentof product management in Oracle's Platform Group, who observed at the end of the discussion that there had been no security questions at all.


Posted by John K. Waters on February 24, 20150 comments

Bosch ProSyst Acquisition Good News for Java and OSGi

German Internet of Things (IoT) platform provider Bosch Software Innovations (BSI) is acquiring ProSyst, a Java- and OSGi-based software vendor specializing in middleware for the IoT, the two companies announced this week. BSI, a subsidiary of the Bosch Group, specializes in the development of gateway software and middleware for IoT.


Posted by John K. Waters on February 19, 20150 comments

Understanding Service (not Server) Virtualization

"What's in a name?" Shakespeare's Juliet asked. Quite a lot, actually. Take it from me: the other John Waters. Another example: service virtualization. The name is so close to the most well-known and widely implemented type of virtualization -- server virtualization -- that it's gumming up the conversation about using virtualization in the pre-production portion of the software development lifecycle.


Posted by John K. Waters on February 9, 20150 comments

One Solution for Developer Fatigue

When you hear the words "developer fatigue," what images come to mind? Your team leader talking about yet another project with an impossible deadline? Bleary-eyed teammates on all-night coding sessions? Too much java (and Java)? Or maybe you see a more profound enervation brought on by the "the constant and increasing flood of new languages, libraries, frameworks, platforms, and programming models that are garnering popular attention in the developer community." Those are JNBridge CTO Wayne Citrin's words, soon to appear in a company blog post.


Posted by John K. Waters on February 9, 20150 comments

Following 'Whirlwind' Year, Docker Changes Operational Structure

The open source Docker project experienced "unprecedented growth" last year, its maintainers say, with project contributors quadrupling and pull requests reaching 5,000.

To cope with the surge of this "whirlwind year," Docker, Inc., the chief commercial supporter of the project, has modified its organizational structure, spreading out the responsibilities that had been handled by Docker's founder and CTO, Solomon Hykes, into three new leadership roles.


Posted by John K. Waters on January 28, 20150 comments

Can Containers Fix Java's Legacy Security Vulnerabilities?

I reported last week on Oracle's latest Critical Patch Update, which included 169 new security vulnerability fixes across the company's product lines, including 19 for Java. The folks at Java security provider Waratek pointed out to me that 16 of those Java fixes addressed new sandbox bypass vulnerabilities that affect both legacy and current versions of the platform. That heads-up prompted a conversation with Waratek CTO and founder John Matthew Holt and Waratek's security strategist Jonathan Gohstand about their container-based approach to one of the most persistent data center security vulnerabilities: outdated Java code.


Posted by John K. Waters on January 28, 20150 comments

Java in 2015: Predictions and More

I've been looking ahead with analysts and industry watchers at what 2015 might have in store for enterprise software developers in general, but I also reached out for some predictions for Java Jocks about the future of their favorite language and platform.

Al Hilwa, program director in IDC's Software Development Research group, sees the continued adoption of Java 8 as a preoccupying enterprise trend in 2015, though "absorbing major new language releases is typically a slow process." He also expects to see growing interest in functional programming as developers begin putting Lambda and the stream API into "serious applications."


Posted by John K. Waters on January 14, 20150 comments