Java in 2020, Part 2: Anne Thomas on Java Subscription, Jakarta and MicroProfile

  • MORE ON THIS TOPIC: Java in 2020, Part 1: What To Expect According to the Experts
  • Talking with Gartner VP and distinguished analyst Anne Thomas about Java at the start of a new year is becoming a habit. (Let's call it a tradition.) Thomas is a longtime industry watcher with deep industry knowledge, she understands the tech and she doesn't mind stirring the pot, so to speak, if that's what her observations demand.  


    Posted by John K. Waters on January 28, 20200 comments

    Jenkins Creator Launches Startup To Speed Software Testing with Machine Learning

    Kohsuke Kawaguchi, creator of the open source Jenkins continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) server, and Harpreet Singh, former head of the Bitbucket group at Atlassian, have launched a startup that's using machine learning (ML) to speed up the software testing process.

    Their new company, Launchable, which emerged from stealth mode on Thursday, is developing a software-as-a-service (SaaS) product with the ability to predict the likelihood of a failure for each test case, given a change in the source code. The service will use ML to extract insights from the massive and growing amount of data generated by the increasingly automated software development process to make its predictions. More

    Posted by John K. Waters on January 23, 20200 comments

    Eclipse Jakarta EE 9 Release Plan Approved

    The Eclipse Foundation's Jakarta EE Working Group today announced unanimous approval of a release plan for version 9 of the Eclipse Jakarta EE Platform.

    The Working Group is proposing to deliver the specifications in a series of eight "waves," starting with an Independent (stand-alone) Wave, followed by Waves 1-7. Wave 1, for example, comprises the following specs: More

    Posted by John K. Waters on January 16, 20200 comments

    Java in 2020, Part 1: What To Expect, According to the Experts

  • MORE ON THIS TOPIC Java in 2020, Part 2: Anne Thomas on Java Subscription, Jakarta and MicroProfile
  • Wait, what? Java's not dead? Irrelevant? Replaced by Kotlin? Python? (Swift?)

    Nope. Java weathered the predictions of its demise yet again, and though it missed being named TIOBE's programming language of the year for the second year in a row (good old C earned that title, which tells you something about this Who's the Most Popular dance), it remains one of the world's most valuable and widely used languages and platforms. More

    Posted by John K. Waters on January 15, 20200 comments

    Tech Orgs Urge SCOTUS to Reverse Google v. Oracle on Java Copyright

    A number of small companies and tech organizations joined the Mozilla software community in a friend of the court brief, filed this week, urging the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) to reverse a federal circuit court's decision that Google infringed on Oracle's copyrights to Java code in its Android mobile operating system.

    The list of organizations on the Mozilla amici curiae includes Medium, Cloudera, Creative Commons, Shopify, Etsy, Reddit, the Open Source Initiative, Mapbox, Patreon, the Wikimedia Foundation, and the Software Freedom Conservancy.  More

    Posted by John K. Waters on January 14, 20200 comments

    Exit the Java EE Guardians; Enter the Jakarta EE Ambassadors

    The Java EE Guardians, the all-volunteer organization formed in 2016 to secure the continuing evolution of enterprise Java, is considering a name change -- and not just because "Java EE" has become "Jakarta EE." With the platform now securely evolving under the stewardship of the Eclipse Foundation, the members don't feel they have much to guard these days. In fact, they feel more like ... ambassadors.


    Posted by John K. Waters on November 6, 20190 comments

    Google's Quantum Supremacy Claim Has Practical Implications

    Google researchers claimed to have reached a major milestone in the evolution of quantum computing called "quantum supremacy" in a paper published last week in the journal Nature. IBM quickly disputed that claim in a blog post that threw shade on the Alphabet subsidiary's conclusions. The headlines they generated notwithstanding, the claim and counterclaim involve a branch of computing most industry watchers say is still in the budding stage, so why should anyone care who's right?


    Posted by John K. Waters on October 29, 20190 comments

    Google to Supremes: Don't Listen to the Solicitor General

    Google says the Supreme Court should ignore the recent recommendation of the Solicitor General of the United States, which advised the court to refuse to review a 2016 appeals court's rulings that Google infringed on Oracle's copyrights to Java code in its Android mobile operating system.


    Posted by John K. Waters on October 23, 20190 comments

    Oracle's Jakarta EE 9 Proposal: Pruned Specs and a Big Bang

    The Eclipse Foundation announced the released the Eclipse Jakarta EE 8 specification just over two months ago and we’re already seeing the solidifying outlines of Jakarta EE 9 -- not especially fast by current release-cadence standards, but warp speed when you consider how enterprise Java had languished before the Foundation accepted the stewardship of the platform two years ago.


    Posted by John K. Waters on October 22, 20190 comments