Web Development News & Resources

Berners-Lee: Integrate Web services and Semantic Web

Web creator says that it's time for the Web to get world-centric, rather than the other way around.

Cisco's Chambers at NetWorld+Interop: Back to Basics

CEO says there is still room for the tech sector to grow.

Software gives view of development assets

Tools can now be sought in a visual interface.

IBM's mysterious world of autonomic computing unveiled

Computing concept mimics the human nervous system.

Java environment focuses on up-front modeling

Compuware’s OptimalJ employs the so-called Model Driven Architecture (MDA) to generate working J2EE code from various descriptions.

Windows Server 2003 ships

Microsoft hopes release will field a stellar platform for integrating applications.

Microsoft resigns from W3C group

Microsoft officials withdraw from group due to a disagreement over the direction of the W3C debate.

Orchestration promise meets reality

Business process flows face mounting roadblocks as standards fights escalate; but emerging tools and business demands could force a resolution.

Use Caching to Enhance Performance

Robust Web apps must provide fast response times. Learn how to use the Cache object to place commonly requested resources into an area in memory where they can be accessed quickly.

Product Briefs

A look at software tools and technologies on the market.

J2EE and .NET servers weigh in

One or the other may hold an advantage here or there, but the divergence between the two prime app server platforms should not be oversold. Some say over time they are becoming more comparable.

OASIS picks up BPEL4WS

New language to join the chorus in OASIS.

.NET gets legacy legs

.NET reaches out to the past while moving towards the future.

Horseless Web services

How an old-world mindset may be holding back the development of Web services.

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