Web Development News & Resources

Brunswick bowls for Web services

Brunswick Corp., Vernon Hills, Ill., is probably best known as a maker of bowling and billiards equipment, but according to JT Smith, the firm's director of technology, Brunswick also develops open-source Web services integration products.

XML Firewall -- Without the application coding

The Reactivity 2300 Series XML Firewall is said to take security code out of the layer of application code and out of the hands of developers.

Q&A: Web services security

Toufic Boubez has a stellar record in Web services. At IBM, he co-authored UDDI. Later, he founded Layer 7 Technologies which recently released SecureSpan to promote Web services security and integration policy creation. Jack Vaughan met with Boubez over iced tea in Boston's Seaport District.

Why Web services aren't just a rerun

SOA may or may not bring about a reuse nirvana. But whatever happens, Web services certainly will allow much better connections between apps.

SOAP test: A guided tour

As developers look to SOAP-oriented Web services to do more, ensuring app quality becomes more difficult. Can test tool advances keep up?

Objects. Encapsulation. XML?

The partnership between XML and OO will be successful if XML finally gets OO programmers to accept declarative approaches to programming.

Mood Indigo: A boost to programmer productivity?

Indigo, the Web services subsystem that will be built into Longhorn, the next release of Windows, offers developers several advantages; but the key one is productivity, contends Steven VanRoekel, director of Web services at Microsoft.

Tools promise to manage Web services complexity

Actional has brought out the general availability of management tools specifically designed for .NET and Windows.

Briefing: Infravio Ensemble

Ensemble offers a contract-based approach to creating an SOA backbone in your enterprise.

New standard aims to 'harmonize' XML payment messaging

Standard under development as part of an agreement between several standards bodies.

Microsoft touts XML for mobile devices

Company says XML Web services applications are ideal for the new Motorola MPx200 with Windows Mobile software, as well as existing Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs and other mobile devices.

Web services, SOA ready for next step

The next step in Web services may be figuring out how to maintain, update and manage the XML standards-based technology.

Scouts Canada blazes trail in membership data access

Scouts Canada has installed a centralized database system with Web-based access to membership information.

My meeting with a legacy transformation architect

We speak with Jim Rhyne, a distinguished engineer and legacy modernization architect, based at the IBM Silicon Valley Lab.

On track for integration

Grand unification efforts have historically fallen short because they were too rigid, but SOA shows flexibility and promise for integration.

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