Web Development News & Resources

Virtualization Rules the Day at LinuxWorld

Show's speakers give thumbs up to virtualization-Linux combination.

Server-Side AJAX for the Enterprise

The ThinWire framework helps developers write AJAX apps that execute entirely on the server, meeting the data-centric, high-security needs of an enterprise.

Java and .NET Camps Split Over SOA

But use of .NET shows decrease in survey results.

Build AJAX Security With JSON

AJAX-era security requires tossing out a lot of what you thought you knew about security, starting with Same Origin Policy.

Microsoft Web Server Threatens Open Source Leader

IIS makes big gains on Apache in last month.

Tibco Ramps Up Open Source AJAX

Company donates its message bus technology to OpenAjax Alliance.

SOA Bangers and Mashups

Hyfinity's RIA mashup tool helps U.K. agencies quickly assemble services, without having to code in most cases.

Integrate Windows Apps With Oracle

Publish a PL/SQL procedure in Oracle as a Web service and consume it from a Web service client in WCF.

Search & Destroy Bugs

Learn how to write programs that not only protect themselves from bugs, but that also seek them out and destroy them.

CA's Dev Tool Supports SOA and Legacy Systems

Solution uses models for rapid application development.

BPM Learns To Play With SOA

New tools and initiatives such as BPMN, BPEL4People and WS-HumanTask provide a start at marrying BPM's business acumen with SOA's IT-savvy.

Build Enterprise SOA With Rich Metadata

Model-driven business process platforms provide the best path to enterprise service-oriented architectures (SOA). It's all about the metadata.

Adobe Releases ColdFusion 8

Company adds .NET integration to Java-based solution for developing dynamic Web sites.

Ozzie Reveals More About Live Platform Plans

Microsoft exec describes strategy for Live as part of a layered business approach and calls Software Plus Services "critical" over the next few years.

New Development Tools Scheduled for Interim Releases

Beta 2 of Visual Studio 2008, Silverlight expected this week.