Both flaws result from design issues in the framework, according to Ounce Labs.
Although the overall number of vulnerabilities being discovered in software appears to be leveling off or even dropping, two recent reports on Web security say that the overwhelming majority of Web sites studied still have unpatched vulnerabilities that could expose visitors to malicious code.
The product aims to avoid duplicate records by checking for inconsistencies.
The open source Linux-based operating system features integration with Google's online apps.
Delivering hosted solutions to businesses takes planning, and this report describes some of the steps to take.
Simplifying identity with Microsoft's 'Zermatt' class libraries.
MessageLabs reports that the number of SQL injection attacks spiked sharply last month.
Revamped BEA software will be key part of company's SOA, BPM and WebCenter suites.
More than just bug fixes, service promises to improve developer productivity.
Both will be released under BSD license; source code coming later this year.
If Silverlight 2 wins the gold in Beijing, will it be ready to light up your rich Internet apps?
The company issued patches for its OS and server products to address Domain Name Server vulnerabilities.
Scrum has emerged as the most popular lightweight method according to Danube Technologies' founders.
Benefits of reusability and business agility touted.
The product combines three tools to facilitate data integration in traditional and SOA environments.