Web Development News & Resources

Scala.js 0.6.0 Released: 'No Longer Experimental'

Scala.js, the open-source Scala to JavaScript compiler, is no longer "experimental," say the project's maintainers.

MarkLogic Cites Developer Benefits in NoSQL Upgrade

Enterprise NoSQL database platform vendor MarkLogic Corp. cited "massive enhancements for developers" in the latest version of its flagship database.

Spring Boot 1.2.1 Released

Spring Boot 1.2.1 is a maintenance update featuring more than 70 bug fixes and a handful of enhancements.

New Syncfusion Release Adds Android, iOS Controls

Traditional Windows toolmaker Syncfusion has for the first time added Android and iOS controls to its flagship studio product.

JavaScript, Swift Grab Programming Language of the Year Rankings

Ubiquitous JavaScript and newcomer Swift garnered 2014 programming language of the year honors from respective ranking organizations.

WebRTC Is New Factor in Mobile, Web Development

It might be a bit early to proclaim 2015 the "Year of WebRTC," but the nascent Web Real-Time Communication technology seems to be gaining significant traction early on.

AppGyver Says New Mobile HTML5 Framework Matches Native Performance

Mobile development tool maker AppGyver yesterday introduced a new framework called Supersonic that the company claims achieves the Holy Grail of advanced HTML5-based hybrid apps: performance parity with native apps.

Mobile Predictions: JavaScript Talent Needed for Web Composition Trend

Facing a crucible of providing more sophisticated apps in shorter cycles, mobile front-end developers will be forced to rely on composition -- using prebuilt code components instead of coding all functionality from scratch, according to predictions from analyst firm Forrester Research Inc.

Zend Enhances Z-Ray, Intros New Patterns for Docker, Puppet, Bamboo

Zend Technologies this week unveiled new versions of Z-Ray and integrations with Docker, Puppet, and Bamboo.

Sencha App Platform Adds Desktop, Android Features

With app management platforms proliferating in the new mobile-first era, Sencha Inc. has added some new twists to its offering such as including desktop applications in the mix and addressing the "Android fragmentation" problem with its Web-based cross-platform approach.

Survey Shows Big Disconnect Between Mobile Devs, Bosses

The latest mobile development survey from Appcelerator Inc. shows a "sometimes dramatic" disconnect between the realities of coders on the front lines compared with those of IT decision makers, especially concerning the areas of project ownership and tools used.

Alpha Software Tackles Offline Mobile App Problem

Alpha Software Corp. upgraded its "low-code" mobile development offering with built-in offline support so data-driven apps can be used effectively when no network connectivity is available.

Espresso Logic Mobile App Developers Get Microsoft Azure Integration

Espresso Logic announced that its Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) designed to accelerate the development of mobile and Web apps is now integrated with the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.

RESTful API Spans NoSQL and SQL Big Data Calls

As the SQL and NoSQL worlds continue to converge in the pursuit of comprehensive Big Data analytics solutions, a Silicon Valley start-up wants to provide a bridge between the two with RESTful APIs.

Pivotal Launches Lightweight Java Web Stack

Pivotal Software has assembled a number of its open-source app dev technologies and combined them with its commercial products into a new lightweight Java Web application stack called the Pivotal App Suite.

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