Security News

Sun Delivers Security Announcements

Sun Microsystems is coming to this year's RSA 2005 security conference, under way this week in San Francisco, with several "love for the customer" Valentine's Day announcements. And after years of preaching that "the network is the computer," there's a bit of I-told-you-so swagger in the Santa Clara, CA-based systems company.

Make an ESB Secure

Discover the many security services built into the ESB technology.

Managing to Cope with Patches

Keeping up with a steady stream of patches to close security loopholes and upgrade apps has become time consuming and costly.

News bits

A few tidbits of news: VMware launches a new product for secure provisioning of computers outside the enterprise, StrikeIron adds to its stable of Web services, NS-BASIC moves to the desktop.

Review: Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Beta)

Microsoft's latest tool for fighting malware is a credible entrant in a market that they helped create. I've taken it for a spin and like most of what I see, despite some rough edges in the beta version.

Review: DevPartner SecurityChecker

These days all developers need to be security experts - but it doesn't hurt to have some help. That's where DevPartner Security Checker comes in, helping you keep an eye on the security issues in an ASP.NET application from start to finish. With an extensive knowledge of secure coding practices, it can help almost any ASP.NET developer do a more secure job.

Book Review: The .NET Developer's Guide to Windows Security

It's pretty hard to be a developer these days and not think about security. But many of us are having to catch up all of a sudden on the intricate and confusing details of the Windows security infrastructure. Keith Brown's new book makes learning what you need to know much, much easier.

Software mergers continue: Symantec buys Veritas

The wave of consolidations sweeping the software industry has picked up two leading security vendors. Leading consumer antivirus maker Symantec Corp. and top enterprise storage and backup management products vendor Veritas Software announced this week that they will be tying the knot in the New Year.

College-based program targets security holes at the source

The road to a professional career usually begins in college; now, a software vendor believes that same route can make for more secure software.

Startup puts Web services security in developers' hands

Our favorite security guru, Gary McGraw, has said it so often that it's almost a cliche: If you want secure systems, you've got to build security into the applications that run on them. A Rocklin, Calif.-based startup called Kenai Systems is now applying that maxim to Web services with what the company's founders believe are category-creating tools for developers.

Briefing: Fortify

Fortify's toolset is designed to catch security bugs through static code analysis. With editions covering a wide range of price and functionality, they're accessible to almost any developer.

HP security chief sees cyber attacks growing more complex, malignant, persistent and pervasive

Speaking last week in San Francisco, Tony Redmond, vice president and chief technology officer of HP Services, said his company was offering the new security suite because cyber attacks "are becoming more complex, more malignant, more persistent, and more pervasive."

Telecommuters seen as weakest link in network security

As enterprise trends go, few are as likely to keep the network security guys up at night as the growth of telecommuting. According to a study release this fall by the International Telework Association & Council, the number of employees who performed any kind of work from home grew from 41.3 million in 2003 to 44.4 million in 2004.

For sale: Your source code

Well, maybe not yet. But what does the future hold for those who consider their source code an important proprietary asset?

Inputs are dangerous

If there's one lesson to be learned from this month's set of Microsoft security patches, it's that letting data into your system is rife with danger.

Software deployment should include security plan

The need for enterprise security processes and procedures has become so pervasive that companies that do not include security as a component of their software deployments risk seeing their downtime rise from 5% in 2004 to 15% in 2008. This from market researcher Gartner in one of its latest reports, "Building a Sound Security Infrastructure: New Defenses for a New World of Threats."

More attackers targeting e-commerce and Web apps, says Symantec

The total number of virus attacks are down, but malicious codemeisters are getting faster, more sophisticated, and they're beginning to target e-commerce concerns and small businesses. That's the conclusion of a report published this week by security application provider Symantec.

When shared code bites back

Develop any software that processes JPEG files lately? Microsoft's latest security bulletin may spell bad news for you.

Rundown on risk: Untangling security

Some pundits view IT security today as immature, insecure and out of control. Every organization should develop internal expertise in this area.

Review: Qwik-Fix Pro

Qwik-Fix tries to prevent malware from attacking your computer by hardening Windows. In some cases, this fixes vulnerabilities months before Microsoft releases patches.