Open Source Development News & More

eBay Publishes Its Source Code, Encourages Open-Source Development

eBay is giving the members of its developer programs access to the source code for various eBay and PayPal tools and sample applications. The code is being released today on the newly launched eBay Community Codebase Web site, which the company created to serve as an online forum for open-source developer collaboration.

"Opening Day" for Sun's OpenSolaris

Sun Microsystems officially released to open source the "lion's share" of its Solaris operating system source code—approximately five million lines, including the kernel, networking stack, libraries and commands for the Solaris 10 OS.

Eclipse Brings Open Source to Business Intelligence Market

The Eclipse Foundation says the Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) project version 1.0 is now generally available.

Mainsoft, Mono Help with Crossover Development

It’s no secret that developers dabble in open source even if their primary development environment is Microsoft’s .NET. According to a study by Evans Data, one in five developers whose primary IDE is Visual Studio .NET has also written at least one Linux application. The study also indicates that more than half the .NET developers surveyed used open-source components in their application development.

OASIS Okays Open Source Open Doc Format for Office Apps

OASIS said yesterday that its members approved the OpenDocument file format as a standard. OpenDocument is a royalty-free, XML-based file format that covers features required by text, spreadsheets, charts and graphical documents.

Apache Software Foundation Proposes Open-source Version of J2SE

The Apache Software Foundation yesterday said it is proposing to create a new project called Harmony that will lead to the development of an open-source version of Java 2, Standard Edition (J2SE) runtime platform.

Sun to Open Source Server-Side Java

Sun Microsystems President and COO Jonathan Schwartz said that the open implementation of Java will be good for business.

New Liberty Alliance Specs for ID-based Web Services

The Liberty Alliance, the non-profit trade group organized to develop open standards and tools for federated network identity, this week published new interface specifications for three identity-based Web services: presence, geo-location and “contact book.”

Sun’s Schwartz Promotes FOSS; Defends CDDL

Sun Microsystems’ president and COO Jonathan Schwartz kicked off the second annual Open Source Business Conference (OSBC) in San Francisco on April 5 with a keynote that painted Sun as a fierce friend of the free and open-source software (FOSS) movement.

Is Eclipse the Commercial IDE Killer?

Has the traditional integrated development environment gone the way of the dinosaur? The company that invented the IDE seems to think so...sort of.

JBoss Inc. Lays Groundwork for JBoss Ecosystem

JBoss Inc. launched its first annual user conference in Atlanta, March 1-2, by unveiling two initiatives designed to promote its “professional open-source” strategy and expand the JBoss ecosystem.

Wind River Leads Open-Source March into Device Software Space

Wind River has upped the ante on its open-source strategy by upgrading its membership in the Eclipse Foundation and proposing a new project for device software development.