Open Source Development News & More

WSO2's Open Source ESB Promises Scalability

New enterprise service bus supports "thousands of simultaneous connections" in service-oriented architectures, company says.

IBM Opens Up Collaborative Development

Company plans to share collaboration and lifecycle management solutions with IBM's software development partners through Jazz Project.

Trolltech Adds Java Support to Qt Framework

New product broadens options for developers of rich client apps.

Another Patent Protection Deal for Microsoft

LG Electronics agrees to pay Microsoft for its patented technology in LGE's Linux-based embedded devices.

Study: IIS More Likely To Be Compromised

Google surveyed 70,000 domains issuing malware, finding that about half of it is coming from IIS and Apache servers.

Java Migration Solution Supports Visual Studio 2005

Mainsoft has enhanced its solution, which creates Java bite code via a .NET-based platform.

Open Source Code Tracking Offered to ISVs

Palamida rolls out software risk management solutions to help ISVs identify open source code in their applications.

Microsoft Makes Another IP Protection Deal With Linux Company UPDATED

Deal with Xandros mimics Microsoft's recent pact with Novell, promising not to sue over alleged patent violations in open source code.

Black Duck Expands Its IBM Rational Ties

The company's integrated app helps hunt down open source software and ensure licensing compliance.

Google Goes Offline

Company announces Google Gears, which helps to create "offline web applications" using Google Apps, an open source Office-like software suite accessed over the Web.

Eclipse's Second Synchronized Project Release

Find out what's in store for this year's synchronized Eclipse project release.

Study: Open Source Software to Grow by 26 Percent Annually

Partners providing services shouldn't overlook "emerging open source opportunities," analyst says.

Europa a Triumph of Process

Sneak a peak at the process by which the Eclipse Foundation makes possible synchronized project releases.

SnapLogic Offers Open Source Data Integration Beta

Solution aimed at simplifying and standardizing data integration using Web-based protocols.

Dell Starts Selling Linux Computers

Dell adds open source OSes on two desktop models and one laptop model.

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