Telco joins organization advocating the use of Mobile Linux.
Microsoft's Tech-Ed North America event for IT professionals kicked off today with a keynote address on enabling "dynamic IT."
The company's Sandcastle project omitted the source code, and thus failed to meet open source licensing requirements.
Microsoft's founder and chairman kicked off Tech-Ed with a keynote that took an opportunity to look back, as well as provided a glimpse into the future.
There was a lot of head scratching at this year's MySQL Conference and Expo when Microsoft was singled out for its contributions to open source development.
IBM Rational Director Dave Locke calls Jazz the server-side counterpart of Eclipse; partners announce compatibility initiatives.
MySQL becoming a viable platform for .NET developers.
Google opens App Engine to all.
Company rolls out an open source alternative to Microsoft Outlook and Exchange.
Microsoft Wednesday posted plans for expanding file format support in the next major revision of Office 2007.
SearchMonkey, a new online development platform and toolset from Yahoo, officially launched Thursday.
According to Sun's Chief Java Architect Todd Fast, these "disposable" applications are changing the face of development.
At JavaOne this week, Neal Gafter, a software engineer at Google, presented his proposed specification for adding closures to Java
If there is one topic that seems to get Java programmers excited, it's the question of whether to include a new feature called closures in the next version of Java.
Borland agrees to sell its CodeGear unit for $23 million to Embarcadero Technologies.