Mozilla has given up on Firefox OS -- its ill-fated challenge to Apple's iOS and Google's Android mobile platforms -- to instead focus on connected devices "bringing the power of the Web to IoT."
Redis Labs today announced the integration of its namesake NoSQL database with Spark SQL, along with a new Spark-Redis connector said to speed up certain Big Data analytics tasks by 100 times or more.
Microsoft updated its lightweight, open source code editor with a new tooling extension that provides support for building hybrid cross-platform mobile apps with Apache Cordova.
Facebook is closing down the Parse Mobile Back-end-as-a-Service platform it acquired in April 2013, a move that will force many developers to switch their apps to an alternative backing service.
10 years ago today the first Hadoop cluster was put into production at Yahoo. We asked Raymie Stata, who actually hired Hadoop co-creator Doug Cutting into Yahoo, to look back at the history of the game-changing Big Data technology, forecast where it's going and provide advice for developers looking to master it.
Cloud and Big Data tech skills still pay off the most, according to the latest salary survey from careers site, with open source technologies dominating the 2015 list.
Google has teamed up with several other companies to submit its open sourced Dataflow technology to the Apache Software Foundation as an incubator project, a first for the search giant.
A large group of GitHub-using developers is calling for changes to the open source code repository, changes they can't enact on their own because GitHub itself isn't open source.
A new survey published by Red Hat Inc., seeking to measure the maturity of enterprise mobility efforts, reveals that a large majority of mobile developers prefer using open source software.
"If Ruby and React had an indentation-based lovechild, what would it look like?" asks Norwegian developer Sindre Aarsaether, who answers his own question by introducing the new Web language, Imba.
Like an aging fighter fending off younger foes, Oracle rose above its upstart NoSQL and open source challengers to be named DBMS of the Year for 2015 by DB-Engines.
Microsoft -- the new commercial steward of the open source R programming language -- yesterday announced a revamp of its R-based offerings, including a free developer edition of its rebranded Microsoft R Server.
React Native, a new approach to creating mobile apps unveiled by Facebook early last year, is an important development that's still maturing and unlikely to be suitable for enterprise adoption until late this year, IDC analyst Al Hilwa said in recent research report.
The Big Data streaming project Apache Kafka is all over the news lately, highlighted by Confluent Inc.'s new update of its Kafka-based Confluent Platform 2.0.
Makers of the RethinkDB distributed JSON database today released a new Java client driver, the company announced.