The 4.1 release of the Apache Cassandra NoSQL database is now generally available. The project’s major release for 2022 comes with lots of new features and "paves the way," the community said in a blog post, for "a more cloud-native future" for the project. It also marks the community's commitment to annual releases, announced last year.
GitHub made some big product announcements at its annual GitHub Universe conference in San Francisco, including expanded access for business users of its Copilot AI-pair programming tool.
Oracle has joined the Micronaut Foundation, the not-for-profit organization established to advance innovation and adoption of a popular open-source, JVM-based framework for building microservices and serverless applications.
The Fedora Project has announced the beta release of Fedora Linux 37, the latest version of the free and open source Fedora Linux operating system.
The company behind the popular NGINX open-source web server launches a new traffic management and security solution designed to deliver better control over fleets of NGINX instances.
App security tools provider Contrast Security adds software composition analysis capabilities to its free in CodeSec "developer-first" scanner.
Software Freedom Conservancy, a not-for-profit organization that provides support and legal services for free and open-source software (FOSS) projects, has quit GitHub, and says its community should do that same.
The Eclipse Foundation and the Adoptium Working Group announce The Adoptium Marketplace, a new marketplace for Java SE TCK-certified and AQAvit quality-tested binaries.
The Microsoft Build of OpenJDK comes to its Azure App Service, bringing with it new support for Java 17 and Tomcat 10.0.
The latest update of the Java Development Kit (JDK 18), goes GA next week, and though it’s not a Long-Term Support release, there's a lot to look forward to in this update.
IT execs responding to two recent surveys cite "strong security" as one reason they're adopting open-source cloud databases.
The maintainers of Apache Tika, the open-source, Java-based content detection and analysis framework, announce the release of Tika 2.3.0.
Canonical CoreSpace announce a partnership aimed at making it easier for organizations to set up, customize, and manage private clouds.
The latest release of the Eclipse Foundation's MicroProfile, MicroProfile 5.0, aligns with every specification in the latest version of the foundation's enterprise Java spec, Jakarta EE 9.1.
The Apache Software Foundation's Groovy team has announced the release of Groovy 4.0.0, the latest version of the open source, general-purpose programming language for the Java Virtual Machine.