Open Source Development News & More

IE 8 Finishes Last on Google JavaScript Test

Google last week provided an additional means for users to test JavaScript performance in Web browsers.

Silverlight at MIX10: New Framework Tracks Web Analytics

Silverlight news will play a major part in Microsoft's annual MIX10 conference for Web developers and designers in Las Vegas next week.

SpringSource Launches New Lightweight Server

VMware subsidiary SpringSource on Wednesday unveiled a new, lightweight edition of its tc Server.

Mylyn Project To Split into Subprojects

The Mylyn project is being divided into subprojects designed to accelerate the evolution of this open source framework for integrating task and ALM tools with the Eclipse IDE.

Ubiquitous Java Caching Solution Gets Upgrade

Terracotta on Tuesday released Ehcache 2.0, the first major upgrade of the widely deployed open source Java caching solution since the company acquired it last August.

Hedge Fund Makes Unsolicited Bid for Novell

$2 billion offer from hedge fund sparks speculation of rival bids from Cisco, HP and Microsoft.

Oracle Moving Project Kenai to

Project Kenai projects no longer need to find a new host -- they'll be moved to

VMware Opens vCloud for Java, Python Developers

VMware wants developers to build software for its vCloud infrastructure, and it's giving them the tools to do it.

Oracle Plans To Take on Microsoft Office

Oracle Cloud Office is the next generation of Sun's OpenOffice, company officials revealed.

Oracle Outlines Sun Integration Plan

Oracle on Wednesday laid out its plans for integrating Sun's software and hardware systems into its own product lineup.

Oracle-Sun Road Map Will Focus on Bundles

Oracle plans to invest heavily in developing and selling hardware bundled with applications and database software.

Oracle-Sun Deal Gets Green Light

The European Commission today cleared Oracle's $7.4 billion agreement to acquire Sun Microsystems, paving the way for the two companies to close the deal.

Microsoft Woos MySQL Users with Migration Tool

A free toolkit helps database users migrate from MySQL to Microsoft's SQL Server database on-premise or in the cloud.

Kerberos 1.8 Goes Alpha

The latest version of MIT Kerberos, the free and open source implementation of the widely deployed network authentication protocol for client-server applications, goes alpha this week.

AT&T Joins Group To Address Java ME Fragmentation

AT&T has joined the board of directors of Java Verified, an IT industry group that promotes testing standards for Java ME applications.