Application Development Trends' News

Apperian Opens Up API for Enterprise Mobility Platform

Apperian Inc. announced an open API for its enterprise mobility management and deployment platform.

MongoDB Releases Major Upgrade to NoSQL Database

MongoDB Inc. announced the "biggest release ever" of its popular NoSQL database, with improvements coming in the areas of aggregation, text-search integration, query engine performance, security and many more.

Spring Boot 1.0 Launches

The Spring team at Pivotal has announced the 1.0 release of its Spring Boot rapid application development framework.

Azul Releases Zulu OpenJDK for Java 8

The free and open source Zulu 8.0 is compatible and compliant with the recently launched Java SE 8.

Cloudera, Hortonworks Update Big Data Platforms

Big Data heavyweights Cloudera and Hortonworks each upgraded their platforms last week, reflecting their differing views on providing Hadoop-based products to customers.

App Development Highlights IBM's New MobileFirst Services

Shortly after Microsoft proclaimed itself as being "mobile first, cloud first" at its Build conference, IBM further exemplified the growing trend by improving its MobileFirst portfolio, including app development services.

SAS Tackles Big Data Virtualization

SAS announced enhancements to its data management software that will include Big Data virtualization capabilities.

For Mobile Development, Apps Are in, Web Is Out

A new study by Flurry Analytics indicates where mobile developers should be expending their resources, as consumer time spent on mobile apps keeps rising while time spent viewing mobile Web browsers has fallen.

Pivotal Creates Big Data Suite Subscription Offering

Pivotal has combined a host of data technologies into a new Big Data Suite offered on a subscription basis.

SQL Server 2014 Goes Live

As expected, on April 1 Microsoft released to "general availability" an updated version of its SQL Server database, SQL Server 2014.

Survey Shows Collaborative Development Pays Off

The increasing trend of companies pooling their development resources to collaborate on open source projects is paying off for both the companies and individual developers, according to a new study from the Linux Foundation.

Facebook Leads Effort to Improve MySQL for Large-Scale Use

Facebook today announced an alliance with Web powerhouses Google Inc., LinkedIn and Twitter Inc. to improve the open source MySQL database for large-scale applications.

Cisco Joins the Business-Oriented Mobile App Development Parade

Hardware and networking power Cisco Systems Inc. this week entered the software development arena as part of its new Enterprise Mobility Services Platform.

New Version of Free, Open Source NetBeans IDE Features Java 8 Support

On Tuesday Oracle announced the release of a new version of its NetBeans IDE, 8.0, that takes advantage of the latest enhancements in Java SE 8, among other changes.

Google Developer News Includes New Managed VMs Service

Google Inc. this week is making lots of noise at its Google Platform Live conference, including the introduction of "Managed VMs" designed to help developers using the App Engine cloud service access native resources and run native code.

Oracle Launches Java 8 with Online Event

Oracle followed up on the launch of Java SE 8 and JDK8 last week with an online Webcast event Tuesday featuring stars of its Java team and the Java community.

Adobe Announces PhoneGap Enterprise for Mobile Development

Adobe Systems Inc. announced PhoneGap Enterprise, a set of mobile app development tools positioned as just one part of a broader marketing initiative.

New Facebook 'Hack' Programming Language Aims To Improve PHP

Facebook open sourced an internal programming language called Hack, developed by its engineers to improve upon -- while remaining compatible with -- the PHP scripting language running much of the company's Web site.

Continuuity Open Sources Loom Big Data Cluster Management Tool

Continuuity yesterday open sourced its Loom software for managing cloud-based Big Data clusters.

With a New $160 Million, Cloudera Targets Hadoop Community Contributions

Cloudera this week raised $160 million in funding from major investors as it considers an initial public offering, planning to invest much of the money in engineering resources to extend its contributions to the Apache Hadoop community.