Application Development Trends' News

After Policy Change, Bitcoin Apps Back in Apple Store

After Apple Inc. reversed its App Store ban on virtual currency functionality, the first bitcoin-based iOS wallet app is on the market.

VMware Updates Big Data Extensions

VMware Inc. on Friday updated its vSphere Big Data Extensions (BDE), adding support for Hadoop 2, along with other enhancements. Hopes Wear Is a Fit for Mobile Developers

Company targets wearable devices with new developer pack, claiming industry first.

With Docker 1.0 Release, an Open Source Container Engine Becomes a Platform

Docker, Inc. announced its first milestone release this week, along with a new program of enterprise support designed to turn the popular packing tool into a full-fledged open platform for building, shipping and running distributed applications.

Jelastic Adds Ruby Support to Platform-as-Infrastructure Update

Java/PHP-based Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provider Jelastic has wrapped its arms around Ruby developers with the latest release of its evolving "Platform-as-Infrastructure" (PaI) environment.

Zing Upgrades Runtime for Java with JVM 'Warm Up' Fix, Support for AWS

Azul Systems this week released an update of its Zing runtime for Java that extends production support for new server-grade Amazon Web Services (AWS) instances.

Jaspersoft Group Releases JavaScript Framework

TIBCO software today announced the release a new JavaScript framework for embedding visualizations and reports in applications.

Big Data Rivals Battle with Security Acquisitions

Rival Big Data companies Cloudera and Hortonworks continue to battle for Hadoop distribution supremacy, most recently concentrating on shoring up their respective security capabilities.

Google Preps Developers for the New Mobile: Wearables

Designing mobile apps for the emerging class of wearable devices -- with their display and resource constraints -- demands even more careful thinking about information and actions presented to users.

MapR Opens Big Data App Gallery

Apple has its App Store, Google has its Google Play and now MapR Technologies Inc. has its App Gallery for Big Data applications that work with the company's Apache Hadoop distribution.

Red Hat Updates Software Collections

Red Hat on Wednesday released the first point update of its suite of dynamic languages, open source databases and Web development tools known as Software Collections.

Apple Unveils New iOS 8 SDK and Programming Language

Apple made waves at its Worldwide Developers Conference with the release of a huge mobile SDK for its new iOS 8 and a new programming language called Swift.

Apache Spark Big Data Tool Gets Better SQL Support in Major New Release

One of the hottest open source projects in the Big Data/Hadoop ecosystem was upgraded with new SQL functionality and more as the Apache Software Foundation announced the release of Apache Spark 1.0.

Open Source Neo4j Adds Built-In ETL to Java-Based Graph Database

The latest Neo4j open-source NoSQL graph database adds built-in ETL, new functionality for easily mapping tabular data into Neo4j from CSV files, and a faster data loader, among other changes.

HP Updates Vertica Big Data Analytics Platform

HP yesterday announced an update of its Vertica Analytics Platform, with speedier queries, improved resource allocation and enhanced SQL-on-Hadoop functionality.

Xamarin Updates Its Cross-Platform Mobile Development Tooling

Cross-platform mobile development tool vendor Xamarin Inc. today unveiled version 3 of its trademark product, introducing new features such as improved code sharing and IDE enhancements.

Kaazing Offers JMS Edition of Secure Gateway

Enterprise Web communications platform provider Kaazing has unveiled the new Java Message Service (JMS) edition of its secure gateway.

Oracle To Collaborate with Imagination Technologies on Java and the Internet of Things

Oracle has staked out more ground in the rapidly expanding territory known as the Internet of Things (IoT).

AppGyver Claims Native Performance with Drag-and-Drop Mobile App Tool

AppGyver Inc.'s new mobile development tool offers cross-platform capabilities while claiming native performance and the ability to quickly build fully functional apps without writing code.

Big Data Analytics Comes to Mobile Users

Cloud-based marketplace service also offers social collaboration.