Pivotal Software has assembled a number of its open-source app dev technologies and combined them with its commercial products into a new lightweight Java Web application stack called the Pivotal App Suite.
The project's goals include a major overhaul of Java's generics, a new approach to generic typing, and new support for value types.
Splice Machine Inc. is getting a lot of attention as it seeks to carve out a niche for itself in the exploding Big Data analytics arena by combining the advantages of traditional RDBMS technology with the scale-out capabilities associated with NoSQL databases.
A new survey shows mobile app developers spend most of their time building native apps and that back-end coding takes up far more time than building the front-end UI.
Here's a roundup of recent Big Data product announcements from Solix Technologies, MongoHQ and GoGrid, Appfluent Technology, and Actian.
Hortonworks and Pivotal Software are teaming up to further development work on the open source Ambari project for managing Hadoop clusters.
Software development toolmaker JetBrains has announced a new milestone release of Kotlin, the open-source, Java Virtual Machine (JVM)-targeted programming language developed by the company.
Java developers building applications on the latest Mac operating systems can now add the Zulu JDK to their toolboxes.
The Couchbase Java SDK preview includes both the JMV core package (core-io 0.2) and the Java SDK 2.9 preview 2.
The latest entry in the cross-platform enterprise mobile app development tool arena comes from Motorola Solutions Inc. with today's release of RhoMobile Suite 5.0.
Storing unstructured Big Data from disparate sources in one large "data lake" for integrated analysis is an unfulfilled promise according to analysts from research firm Gartner Inc.
Cloud9's browser-based IDE supports a range of programming languages, including Java, PHP, Python, Ruby and JavaScript.
Hortonworks Inc. and MapR Technologies Inc. -- two of the leading vendors of Hadoop-based distributions -- this week announced partnerships to enhance their Big Data analytics offerings.
Zend Server 7 includes a new set of embedded facilities designed to give developers "in-context visibility" inside their applications.
It's really tough to make money building mobile apps, VisionMobile Ltd. revealed in its latest developer economics survey.
With increased network programmability as a key tenet of emerging software-defined networking (SDN) technology, Cisco Systems Inc. is actively courting developers with its DevNet site, hoping to get them onboard with its SDN vision.
Appcelerator Inc. upgraded its cross-platform mobile development platform with improved support for native SDKs and simplified coding for hooking up to databases and other back-end services.
The Talend Big Data Sandbox aims to quicken the adoption of large-scale analytics, promising "zero to Big Data without coding in under 10 minutes."
In yesterday's joint statement announcing the new partnership between Apple and IBM, the companies specifically emphasized the promise of "bringing IBM's Big Data and analytics capabilities to iPhone and iPad."
Oracle's latest quarterly Critical Patch Update (CPU), released today, included 113 new security vulnerability fixes for hundreds of Oracle products.