Application Development Trends' News

Struggling in Mobile, Microsoft Offers Dev Tips, Mulls Android Embrace

Microsoft, still struggling as a distant No. 3 in the mobile app OS wars, provided statistics about its Windows Phone Store app downloads and offered tips to developers to maximize success.

Aerospike Updates its 'World's Fastest Database' with Hadoop Integration

Aerospike Inc. yesterday announced better Hadoop integration, storage and performance improvements and easier installation and deployment of its "world's fastest database" NoSQL offering.

Security Vulnerabilities Found in Java Version of Google App Engine

Multiple serious vulnerabilities in the Java environment of Google's App Engine have been discovered by researchers.

Report: IoT Improving Code Quality in Open Source Java Projects

Coverity has just released a new report focused on open-source big data projects and the impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on the quality of those projects.

Android Coding Revamp Continues with Go Upgrade

From traditional coding with Java in the venerable Eclipse IDE, the new normal for Android app development may soon be programming with the young Go language in the brand-new Android Studio.

Microsoft Data Platform Updates Target Big Data

To offer more Big Data analytics capabilities across its data-based ecosystem, Microsoft is updating various data platform components

Survey Shows Mobile Developers Struggling with App UIs

A new survey shows problems with UI development cause project delays and cancelations and poor user adoption for apps that do get published.

AWS Lets Devs Use OpsWorks for On-Prem Apps

AWS OpsWorks, the application management service from Amazon Web Services (AWS) Inc., is now available for on-premises servers.

New Intel IoT Platform Targets Big Data Analytics

Intel Corp. yesterday introduced its new platform for the Internet of Things (IoT), the growing movement to interconnect intelligent devices and sensors with embedded technology to gather yet more fodder for Big Data analytics initiatives.

Google: Android Studio 1.0 Release Replaces Eclipse IDE/Tools Plug-in

For months Google had warned Android developers that the official IDE for programming in Java against its popular mobile OS would eventually become its own Android Studio, supplanting the venerable Eclipse IDE and its Android Developer Tools (ADT) plug-in -- and that day came yesterday.

Mobile App Analytics Gains Developer Spotlight

Besides coding and monetization, a third key component of mobile app success has lately been gaining increasing attention in the development industry: analytics

Docker Unveils Orchestration Services, Hub Enterprise

Docker Machine, Docker Swarm and Docker Compose, along with a new set of open APIs, will provide a platform for multi-container, multi-host distributed applications

AppGyver Says New Mobile HTML5 Framework Matches Native Performance

Mobile development tool maker AppGyver yesterday introduced a new framework called Supersonic that the company claims achieves the Holy Grail of advanced HTML5-based hybrid apps: performance parity with native apps.

Oracle Unveils New Java 9 Proposals

Oracle recently announced four new enhancement proposals for Java 9, including a new common logging system for JVM components and a series of control options for finer-grained control of the Hotspot JIT compiler.

Android Security Continues to Challenge Mobile Developers

Ongoing security vulnerabilities on the Android mobile platform are still plaguing developers, and the bad guys are even making inroads on iOS attacks, according to a new report from Trend Micro Inc.

Spring Integration Java DSL Goes Live

Pivotal Software and the Spring Community recently announced the general availability release of the Spring Integration Java DSL.

Red Hat Updates OpenShift Enterprise

Red Hat has just released an update of the enterprise edition of its open source OpenShift Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) environment.

GitHub Launches Enterprise Edition into the Cloud

This week GitHub announced the release of GitHub Enterprise 2.0, an update of the enterprise edition of its namesake code-hosting platform.

Microsoft Open Sourcing .NET Components, Releasing Visual Studio Tools

Microsoft today announced it's "open-sourcing the full .NET server core stack and introducing a new free and fully featured edition of Visual Studio."

R Programming Language Rides Crest of Big Data Wave

The R statistical programming language is gaining popularity as developers scramble to meet the Big Data skills shortage, with one new report proclaiming it's "on its way to the top 10."