Application Development Trends' News

Cloud Rivals Amazon and Microsoft Going Big on Data

Not to be outdone by Microsoft's recent Big Data enhancements to its Azure cloud service, Amazon Web Services announced its own data initiatives at its conference yesterday.

Real-Time Mobile App UX Tool Goes Beta

Fuse announced its tool for real-time mobile app UX collaboration between developers and designers is now available for download following a closed beta.

App Analytics Tool Predicts User Behavior

Web and mobile app analytics company Localytics announced a new tool that uses machine learning to predict user behavior in an effort to reduce churn and boost customer conversions.

Couchbase Adds SQL-Based JSON Queries

The new Couchbase database platform emerged with its new N1QL language that allows developers to hook into JSON data stores with declarative, SQL-based queries.

Progress Promises Free Dev Software for Education

Progress Software announced a new suite of app development software designed to be freely downloaded by students, recent graduates and new developers wanting to get help with designing enterprise-class applications.

Talend Touts First Native Spark Support in Big Data Integration Platform

Talend today said an update of its Big Data integration platform makes it the first such offering to include native support for Apache Spark and Spark Streaming.

Low-Code Tool Addresses Mobile App Offline Problem

Mendix said it addressed the thorny problem of handling offline functionality in mobile apps with the latest rendition of its rapid application development tool.

Hortonworks Offers Scorecard for Big Data Adoption

The promised benefits of becoming a "data-driven" organization capitalizing on business insights gleaned from analytics are many, but it's a complicated transition that vendors are trying to simplify with tools such as the Big Data Scorecard introduced this week by Hortonworks.

New Enterprise App Orchestration Tool Announced

Puppet Labs, the commercial supporter of the open source Puppet configuration management tool, today announced a new solution designed to simplify the enterprise application orchestration process.

Google Doubles Allowable Size of Android Apps

Google announced it was doubling the Android app file size limit from 50MB to 100MB, while warning developers to not use the additional leeway just because it's available, as it could degrade the UX.

Compuware Tool Maps Program Interactions on Mainframes

Maintaining legacy mainframe code may not be the hottest programming chore in today's world of mobility, agility and DevOps, but it's a necessary task that Compuware is seeking to make easier with today's release of a tool that visually maps program-to-program interactions.

Study: Enterprises Slow to Leverage Mobile Apps

A new study from Accenture indicates that executives are aware of the importance of enterprise mobile apps, but few organizations are following through to take full advantage of their mobile investments.

Pivotal Open Sources SQL-Based HAWQ Big Data Technology

Pivotal Software open sourced its SQL-based HAWQ analytics engine for Big Data processing. The company contributed HAWQ and MADlib, an associated parallel machine learning library -- which was already an open source project -- to the Apache Software Foundation.

MapR Adds JSON Support to NoSQL Database for Big Data Analytics

MapR Technologies, known as one of the top commercial vendors distributing Big Data software based on Apache Hadoop technology, today added JSON support to its MapR-DB NoSQL database, claiming the "industry's first in-Hadoop document database."

'Citizen Developer' Movement Transforming in Enterprise, Report Says

Facing huge demand for developers -- especially for mobile apps -- enterprises are turning to a variety of solutions, including outsourcing and relying on in-house "citizen developers" to use low-code or no-code tools to supplement professional coders, a movement undergoing change, according to a new report.

Big Data Product Watch 9/25/15: Managed Services, Container Deployment and More

In a busy week on the Big Data front, Google announced a managed service for Hadoop and Spark, two technologies also addressed by BlueData's new container deployment functionality. Also coming out this week were new Internet of Things solutions, open source NoSQL offerings and more.

Spark Lighting a Big Data Fire, Survey Says

Spark is still hot, seeing tremendous growth in contributing developers, user roles, applications, usage cases and just about every other Big Data metric you can think of, according to a new survey from commercial steward Databricks, which says it's basically eating Hadoop's lunch.

New-Age C++ Boosts Open Source NoSQL Cassandra Speed 10x

Among the news coming out of this week's Cassandra Summit was ScyllaDB, a rewrite of the NoSQL database that claims 10x more data processing speed via new-age C++ techniques that take advantage of the multiple cores in modern hardware.

Open Source Meteor Platform Supports ES2015, Angular and React JavaScript

The ambitious Meteor JavaScript framework -- targeting cross-platform Web and native mobile app development -- has settled on standardized ECMAScript 2015 as its default JavaScript base, with support for Angular and React added on.

Java OSGi Framework for M2M/IoT Released

Eurotech, an Italy-based provider of embedded computing platforms, has released a new version of its ESF 3.1 development framework, "an inclusive and targeted Java OSGi framework for machine-to-machine multiservice gateways, smart devices and Internet of Things solutions applications."