A new survey published by Red Hat Inc., seeking to measure the maturity of enterprise mobility efforts, reveals that a large majority of mobile developers prefer using open source software.
"If Ruby and React had an indentation-based lovechild, what would it look like?" asks Norwegian developer Sindre Aarsaether, who answers his own question by introducing the new Web language, Imba.
Like an aging fighter fending off younger foes, Oracle rose above its upstart NoSQL and open source challengers to be named DBMS of the Year for 2015 by DB-Engines.
Microsoft -- the new commercial steward of the open source R programming language -- yesterday announced a revamp of its R-based offerings, including a free developer edition of its rebranded Microsoft R Server.
Oracle has agreed to overhaul its Java security update process to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that the company deceived consumers by not informing them that the updates left older, still vulnerable versions of Java running on their computers.
Developer research company VisionMobile published a study indicating the confluence of the Internet of Things and e-commerce provides a vast new source of untapped potential revenue for coders seeking to make money off their creations.
AtScale announced what it claims to be the industry's first 'BI on Hadoop' accelerator to work with Big Data analytics products from Tableau Software, which specializes in data visualization.
Twitter started the new year by sharing some of the hard-won tips and advice it has gleaned from its own development of mobile apps for the iOS and Android platforms.
"Big Data has reached a point of mainstream adoption within Fortune 1000 firms," concludes a new survey from NewVantage Partners, attempting to capture the voice of executive decision-makers guiding data-related enterprise initiatives.
Analysts are advising mobile development leaders to put more thought into dev team organization, one of the bedrock basics upon which successful mobility initiatives are built.
Data science crowdsourcing specialist CrowdFlower Inc. set out to determine what skills are most coveted by employers seeking to hire data scientists, finding an exceptionally strong demand for SQL.
React Native, a new approach to creating mobile apps unveiled by Facebook early last year, is an important development that's still maturing and unlikely to be suitable for enterprise adoption until late this year, IDC analyst Al Hilwa said in recent research report.
In a time-honored New Year's tradition, industry players weigh in with their predictions for the Big Data landscape in 2016.
That gray-haired guy in the corner who does all the COBOL stuff is going to retire soon. Then what do you do?
Codename One wants the open source community to take its relatively new iOS Java VM and run with it.
IBM has announced a technology preview of its soon-to-be open sourced OMR toolkit to demonstrate how this internal adaptation of its own J9 Virtual Machine (VM) could be used with the Ruby virtual machine (VM).
Two separate studies recently confirmed that the much-publicized and long-lasting Big Data skills shortage is still hampering enterprises, most of which have yet to put the technology to use.
The Big Data streaming project Apache Kafka is all over the news lately, highlighted by Confluent Inc.'s new update of its Kafka-based Confluent Platform 2.0.
WaveMaker Inc.'s mobile rapid application development tool now lets developers create hybrid apps along with pure Web apps.
Makers of the RethinkDB distributed JSON database today released a new Java client driver, the company announced.