Application Development Trends' News

What's New in the Open Source Atom and Visual Studio Code Editors

Both the Visual Studio Code and Atom open source code editors, which share Electron-based technology roots, have come out with updates this week.

Red Hat Integrates Help Sites in Free Developer Program

Open source champion Red Hat Inc. has integrated two self-support sites -- Stack Overflow and JBoss Developer forums -- with its free developer program, giving coders more choices to seek help with their programming problems.

Android Breaks Away from iOS in Race for Developer Mindshare, Report Says

After years of a stagnant duopoly leading the race to capture developer mindshare, Android has broken away from iOS to signal the beginning of round two in the mobile OS wars, a new survey reports.

LinkedIn Open Sources Android Dev Tools

Continuing its policy of contributing to the developer community, LinkedIn this week announced the open sourcing of development tools it uses internally to create Android mobile apps.

Stack Overflow Addresses Developer Salary Transparency

After discovering that job ads listing salaries are much more effective, developer Q&A site Stack Overflow has embraced public salary transparency with the introduction of the Stack Overflow Salary Calculator.

Dataiku Offers No-Code Machine Learning

We've covered many low-code/no-code development tools, but they've mostly been relegated to simple app creation, not complicated, cutting-edge technology like machine learning -- until now.

Xamarin Extends Cross-Platform Reach

Xamarin, the cross-platform mobile app development tool recently acquired by Microsoft, can now share code across more of those platforms with its new support of .NET Standard Libraries.

Job Interview Tests Help Rank Programming Languages

Adding to the bevy of existing programming language popularity indices, developer careers company HackerRank is incorporating the job interview process into the mix.

Enterprise Mobile Dev Tool Goes from Low-Code to No-Code

Just in case those "ordinary business user" types find low-code tools too daunting to help meet the growing demand for enterprise mobile apps, dev tool maker Zuznow has gone to a no-code approach.

Pokémon-Go-on-Windows Movement Persists as Lawyers Crack Down

For a dead-in-the-water afterthought, Microsoft's newest version of its mobile OS is sure generating a lot of attention from users who want to play the world's most popular game on it.

Mesosphere Embraces Big Data for 'Container 2.0' Era

Mesosphere today announced several partnerships with Big Data vendors to bring their wares to its open source DC/OS distributed operating system and advance the possibilities of container technology in the new era of "Container 2.0."

LaunchKit Mobile Dev Tools Open Sourced in Google Buyout

Small start-up LaunchKit has open sourced its suite of namesake mobile development tools after being acquired by Google.

Go Leads Strong Big Data Showing in IEEE Programming Language Ranking

No dramatic surprises are found in the latest ranking of programming languages by IEEE, which reported that Go is leading the ascending trend of Big Data-related languages that dominate the findings.

Popular Big Data Engine Apache Spark 2.0 Released

Apache Spark, the widely used open source cluster computing framework featuring a general processing engine for Big Data analytics, has reached version 2.0, the Apache Software Foundation announced.

Kony MobileFabric Adds Object Services for Model-Driven Development

Leveraging concepts from the object-oriented programming world, Kony Inc. has updated its tooling for the rapid development of mobile applications.

Apache Advances Kudu Columnar Storage Engine for Big Data

The open source project for the Apache Hadoop ecosystem reportedly fills in an architectural gap left open by other storage options, providing a missing piece to fill out the columnar storage puzzle.

WSO2 Updates Microservices Framework for Java

Integration middleware maker WSO2 released a new version of MSF4J, a lightweight, open source framework for building microservices in Java that supports container-based deployments via a fast runtime and an annotation-based programming model.

Oracle's Quarterly CPU Fixes Record Number of Vulnerabilities

Oracle's latest Critical Patch Update, issued this week, fixed a record 276 vulnerabilities in a range of the company's products, including 13 in Java SE, some of which received high-severity scores.

Cloudera Adds SQL Workload Optimizer to Enterprise Big Data Offering

The latest update to Cloudera's enterprise Big Data solution includes a new tool, Cloudera Navigator Optimizer, which helps offload SQL workloads to Hadoop for more efficient analytics processing.

Stack Overflow Tackles Code Documentation, Not Just Q&A

Stack Overflow, the immensely popular coding Q&A forum that has become the go-to resource for developers seeking help with specific problems, is now supplying more general documentation with today's beta launch of an ambitious new site.