Application Development Trends' News

Web services vulnerable to namespaces

Namespaces are an Achilles' heel that leaves Web services vulnerable to hackers, says Yuval Ben-Itzhak, CTO at security software provider KaVaDo Inc.

Precise pushes correlation solution forward

Precise i3 Version 6 claims to reduce resolution time to mere minutes.

Wireless Web XML slow to take hold

Lack of a unified XML standard for wireless Web services may be holding back growth in the consumer sector, says Ken Waln, CTO at Santa Clara, Calif.-based Edify Corp.

Borland buys Starbase for $24 million

Borland said it intended to buy software lifecycle tool provider Starbase for $24 million in cash, and to provide bridge financing so Starbase can fund operations until the transaction is completed. -Oct 9

Google boosts corporate search offerings

Google Inc. unveils a new high-end search product in its new Google Search Appliance line.

NASA technology protects mainframes

''Every year, organizations spend millions of dollars on intrusion-detection products to minimize risk to their distributed networks, which contain approximately 15% of business-critical data,'' said Ronn H. Bailey, president of Vanguard Integrity Professionals. ''But they overlook the mainframe ... the most critical data storage device.''

Aligning IT and business goals

Mercury Interactive's Zohar Gilad talks about his firm's Business Technology Optimization approach that gets both sides of the "technology divide" speaking the same language.

eXcelon exclaims XSLT tool, XIS updates

eXcelon has released version 4.5 of its Stylus Studio XSLT IDE that allows developers to work in a WYSIWYG environment to convert HTML pages to XSLT style sheets.

In brief: Wadhwani resigns from i2 board; IBM and Red Hat in alliance, and more

Items of interest from the around the software industry

Interaction the killer app for Web services

Web services needs a "killer app" to move beyond internal integration, argues Nelson Carbonell.

Tools tip from Boston test conference

Improved software test automation tools and processes can help management get "more for less."

BEA, TogetherSoft forge pact for Workshop plug-in

As a step in its plan to make J2EE accessible to a greater number of developers, BEA Systems is making a popular visual Java modeling tool from TogetherSoft Corp. available as a plug-in for the WebLogic Workshop development platform.

XML seen as godsend to researchers

A combination of data mining and XML is the key to taking unstructured data from Web bulletin boards and e-mails and providing business users with what Intelliseek's Sundar Kadayam calls ''nuggets of information."

AMD courts open source developers

Linux is becoming a strong operating system choice among corporate server buyers, said some analysts, and chipmakers are looking to capitalize on the trend. Consequently, the Linux community can play an important role in driving the growth of 64-bit systems.

Users taking over business rules management

Business rules are becoming dynamic, so dynamic that they are moving out of IT and over to the business side of corporations, contends Jim Sinur, vice president and research director at Gartner.

Despite layoffs, Alcatel gearing up for 3G

Telecommunications equipment maker Alcatel Corp. may be cutting its worldwide workforce by 20,000 jobs, but executives said the firm has no intention of cutting plans to establish seven new third-generation (3G) labs in the Asia-Pacific region and Europe at several million dollars each.

Aberdeen finds light at the end of the spending tunnel

There appears to be a light turning on at the end of the IT spending tunnel, according to a survey undertaken this summer by Aberdeen Group, a Boston-based consulting firm.

Web services testing -- the human touch

RadView is designing its next generation of Web application testing tools with the newly minted QA professional in mind.

Standardization key to Web services security

It is time to move beyond the pre-Web services model for security systems, contends Kerry Champion, president of Westbridge Technology Inc., a Mountain View, Calif.-based start-up builder of XML firewalls.

DataDirect bows XML transformer

DataDirect Technologies has come up with what it claims is an especially efficient way of transforming data between relational and XML formats.