Application Development Trends' News

IBM data tool soothes Quad Graphics pain

Big Blue says it has a way to link data sources and applications.

Parasoft debuts AEP solution for Java

Company rolls out automated testing tool.

Tools emerge from JavaOne platform

Vendors roll out enterprise and mobile development tools.

802.11g WLAN standard gets IEEE nod

New standard seen as low-cost, high-speed alternative.

Update: PeopleSoft rejects Oracle offer

Formally rejection of $5.1 billion hostile takeover bid.

Sun Java Rave tool targets 'corporate' programmers

Company unveils new rapid application development tool.

HP, Dell do Java desktop deals with Sun

Sun has announced that desktop giants HP and Dell will ship the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on PCs.

Microsoft adds 'sophisticated' XML capabilities to FrontPage 2003

Company upgrades XML functionality to Web page builder.

At JavaOne: Smart clients use XML, JavaScript

Company offers a way to build rich Internet applications which get around bandwidth and server constraints.

At JavaOne: Sun's Schwartz says WS-I 'slowing down' next J2EE release

A "Java Powered" branding program will make Java technology more visible to consumers using cell phones and PDAs.

Inspection service focuses on Java resource leaks

Compnay offers an automated way to find and fix them.

JBoss Group developers head for greener open-source pastures

New venture to be called Core Developers Network.

New version of Berkeley DB handles XML natively

New link between XML and data.

Pervasive joins Magic; unveils Linux DBMS

Database company announces strategic deal with developer, and upgraded Linux support.

New Java math libraries due

Company releases new version of analysis software.

At JavaOne: Novell shows off SilverStream arsenal

Novell takes to the halls of JavaOne with new development acquisition.

Mercury snags Kintana for $225M

Mercury Interactive Corp. has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Kintana Inc. for about $225 million in stock and cash.

Tech.Ed Reporter's Notebook: What's the matter with IT?

A look at the buzz surrounding a prediction of IT's demise.

JBoss releases developer edition

New lower cost version available from open-source vendor.

Java faithful gather in SF for 8th JavaOne

Preview of weeklong Java conference.