Industry vet Jnan Dash is very interested in the real-time enterprise these days. In this interview, he provides analysis and background on an issue that could become a make-or-break matter for AD management in years ahead.
Company said the purchase would extend its position as a provider of Business Performance Management software.
Snapbridge Software claims to have solved the problem of enterprise data federation with a combination of XML standardization and algorithms developed by its engineering team.
Companys says XML Web services-based data networks are business executives’ lifeline.
Multiple Web services integration boosted by new specification.
New compilers designed to work with next-generation wireless devices running the company's XScale processors
First look at a new developerWorks tutorial.
Developers of drivers for the Microsoft Windows operating system are often forced to use tools that are from "the Stone Age."
Analysis of the consolidation of two business intelligence companies.
Company offers beta version of an across-the-board security upgrade.
Personalized tools on the way for your Web services toolbox.
XML makes its way into e-government.
New push spurred by end of development for the Alpha/Tru64 platform.
Company adds SOA tools to server architecture.
Additions eliminate the need to create meta directories.
Group makes things official with a new legal identity.
The new software supports a declarative programming model that will take care of policy at runtime without requiring recoding.