Application Development Trends' News

Review: RoboDemo

RoboDemo offers a flexible system for recording demonstrations as Flash movies (or other formats) from your computer. When you need to convey more than the written word can easily handle, check out RoboDemo.

Monday Morning Amusement

Somehow I don't think Microsoft really meant to post these source code comments to the Web.

AT&T CEO aims to convert wireless cynics

AT&T Wireless CEO John Zeglis opened his Comdex keynote last week with a mea culpa for his industry's history of "over-promising."

Grid software lures Big 3 platform makers

Enterprise information integration software provider Avaki Corp. (, Burlington, Mass., has inked an agreement with Sun Microsystems calling for Sun to offer Avaki's Data Grid software to its customers.

Review: MasterList-XL

A free task-tracking program based on Excel, MasterList-XL is designed to let you see how much time you're spending on the truly important things.

News from Comdex 2003

Gates pitches seamless computing - McNealy touts AMD-Sun pact - Siebel gets CRM fever - more ...

Review: The Regulator

The Regulator is a full-featured regular expression tool for the .NET Framework. It offers innovative features including multiple document editing and connections to an online library of regexes.

ADT at Comdex: Siebel pitches CRM for everyone

Siebel jumped out of hosted CRM. With looming nearby, Siebel is set to jump back in.

Thoughts on the Office XML Reference Schemas

Microsoft's release of the schemas for Word, Excel, and InfoPath is a great step towards openness, and they should be commended for publishing these schemas. But there still might be some hidden gotchas.

Mood Indigo: A boost to programmer productivity?

Indigo, the Web services subsystem that will be built into Longhorn, the next release of Windows, offers developers several advantages; but the key one is productivity, contends Steven VanRoekel, director of Web services at Microsoft.

Review: InstallShield Express

InstallShield Express offers an easy way to build setup packages for applications that don't need all the power of a high-end setup.

DoD, Wal-Mart push RFID

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) recently became the latest convert to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). RFID tags are small, integrated circuits that can hold identification data.

Tools promise to manage Web services complexity

Actional has brought out the general availability of management tools specifically designed for .NET and Windows.

ADT at Comdex: Chinese firm buys into Java Desktop System

Sun has agreed to work with the China Standard Software Co. Ltd. to develop desktop computers based on Sun's Linux-based Java Desktop System.

Review: TextML Server

If you're building a product that needs to handle lots of XML documents, TextML Server provides an embeddable component with attractive licensing terms for ISVs.

Sun pushes Java smart card tech

Sun Microsystems launched a new initiativethat it believes will accelerate the adoption of its Java Card technology for smart cards.

ADT at Comdex: McNealy touts AMD-Sun pact

Sun has teamed up with Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) to develop 64-bit servers based on AMD's Opteron processors.

Bridging the gap between .NET and J2EE

Borland Software last week released the latest version of Janeva, a tool designed to help developers build applications for the Microsoft .NET Framework that are integrated with software based on J2EE and CORBA.

Review: Logidex .NET Library

Logidex offers a software development asset management tool integrated with Visual Studio .NET. If they can continue to improve the metadata for Microsoft content, it could be very useful indeed.