The W3C WS-Choreography Working Group has released the first draft of its Web Services Choreography Description Language (WS-CDL) 1.0.
In an effort to help application developers to "help themselves," Sun has released a free test kit designed to verify whether an application is J2EE-compatible.
Sybase Inc. has started shipping its Real Time Data Services (RTDS) middleware offering, described as a complete solution for real-time enterprise information management. Sybase RTDS can proactively publish and subscribe data from heterogeneous enterprise databases to messaging infrastructures, officials said.
Sun Microsystems last week marked the advent of Version 1.4 of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) at a press event in San Francisco that featured most of the big names in Java tools and application servers. A tools panel included representatives from Borland, BEA, IBM, Oracle and Sun.
Sun Microsystems marked the advent of Version 1.4 of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) last week at a press event in San Francisco that featured most of the big names in Java tools and application servers, who gathered to discuss the impact of J2EE 1.4 on their products and markets.
It's coming up on time to replace the client operating system again. Which path
will you choose for your development efforts?
Serena, a maker of mainframe-based configuration management tools, is looking to Merant's PVCS and Dimensions products to boost its place in the desktop SCM world, Serena President and CEO Mark Woodward told eADT.
Viewers suggest one of the natural focal points for compliance-related software may be business process management (BPM) tools. A look at an Ilog engine shows why.
Just how do we expect new developers to keep up with the expanding base of
knowledge in the field, anyhow?
Compuware officials contend that it is now possible to tie infrastructure management to service management via the new Release 9.1 of its Vantage product, and to have a richer set of network information associated with it.
The fallout over several years of accounting misdeeds at Computer Associates (CA) International Inc. continued this week as the Islandia, N.Y.-based software maker restated more than $2 billion booked in 2000 and 2001 revenue and further shuffled its management team.
The Middleware Company (TMC) and DevelopMentor, former rivals in the technology training game, are engaging in a kind of core-competency swap in an agreement they are calling a "community and training alliance."
Lewis Cirne founded Wily Technology in 1998. Wily tools support a range of app servers, and the JBoss open-source server has just been added to the mix.
Autonomic computing is an attempt to do for software, networks, servers and workstations what the human autonomic nervous system does for our bodies, says Kathy Mandelstein, program director at IBM. Big Blue has high hopes for this technology -- which combines tools developed by its research center and Tivoli unit -- that in the ultimate scenario would allow computers to diagnose and fix problems with little or no human intervention.
Some thoughts about how to handle development when your team is smeared across
the map.
The much-hyped Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) revolution may unfold more as an evolution with its full impact coming late in this decade, according to Gene Alvarez, vice president with Meta Group’s Technology Research Services.
IBM has rolled out new software and services designed to help customers implement Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs), including enhancements to its WebSphere Application Server, and new planning and assessment services. The company joins other top-tier Java market players that continue to vigorously promote Service-Oriented Architecture as solution to enterprise problems.
Working for a banking corporation in acquisition mode, Scott Matthew, vice president, office of technology at Pacific Capital Bancorp (PCB), has become a strong advocate of Java and open-source software.
A group of leading enterprise software, hardware and services vendors have announced the formation of The Enterprise Grid Alliance (EGA), a new industry consortium created to speed the adoption of grid computing.