Application Development Trends' News

Ascential: Off to the races with Churchill Downs' CRM system

Data integration and warehousing firm Ascential Software Corp. has announced that Churchill Downs Inc. has selected data integration solutions from Ascential as part of a customer relationship management (CRM) project designed to improve services and offerings to the race track's most profitable customers.

Open standards are no panacea

Declaring independence from technology lock-in sounds like a good idea. But is it actually a good idea?

Broken future for integration brokers?

Integration brokers are increasingly becoming part of application platforms from the major vendors, including IBM, Microsoft and BEA, according to analysts at the Burton Group.

Up from Java messaging

Like Sonic Software, another early player in the Java Messaging Service vineyard, Fiorano Software Inc. has expanded its middleware portfolio and begun to support Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) solutions. Earlier this year, Fiorano released Fiorano Enterprise Service Bus 3.5, with HTTP receive services for portal integration.

Intel, Oracle boost Liberty Alliance

The Liberty Alliance Project, the non-profit trade group organized to develop open standards and tools for federated network identity, has added some more industry heavyweights to its ranks. Intel and Oracle were among seven organizations that joined as sponsor members recently.

Jetson offers path to a 'gentler Java'

DataSource Inc., Greenbelt, Md., doing its part in the quest for a 'gentler Java,' has brought out Jetson, an application development toolset that officials said can help non-Java programmers to develop J2EE applications, thus making those difficult EJBs easier to use.

Cape Clear officially joins ESB party

Never underestimate the power of a name -- or in this case, a category. Now that the enterprise service bus (ESB) has been officially identified by IT industry watchers, life is a little easier for companies like Cape Clear Software. "Our products have always been based on ESB," Cape Clear co-founder David Clark told eADT over lunch in Palo Alto recently, "but we've had to spend a lot of time explaining ourselves to our customers. Now that [industry analysts at] Gartner have put us in the ESB category, we've got something to hang our hat on."

It's Yukon time

You don't have to travel to the arctic to test the next version of SQL Server, but it's still worth thinking about what you need to pack for the journey.

Whose Web service is it anyway?

If SOA is going to move from "academic" to practical application, developers will need better mechanisms for managing identity issues from single-sign-on to service-level agreements, says Ian Goldsmith, VP, product marketing at Digital Evolution.

Software AG's Tamino takes a 'semantic' step

Whether the W3C vision of the Semantic Web can be implemented in the real world may be debatable. But XML-based semantic technologies do have potential to be useful within the enterprise, contends Mike Champion, senior technologist with Software AG Inc., Reston Va.

IBM unveils Product Information Management tool

IBM is harvesting the fruits of its April 2004 acquisition of Trigo Technologies in the form of new middleware designed to help businesses better track, manage and control product information. The company has unveiled IBM WebSphere Product Center Version 5, which is designed to help users develop a central repository of product information that is synchronized with internal systems and shared across supply chains.

Telelogic's TAU/Logiscope puts QA in developers' hands

Telelogic has released a new version of its TAU/Logiscope software testing tool. The 6.1 version, which actually began shipping at the beginning of June, focuses on the quality of C, C++, Ada and Java code. It also includes a number of enhancements designed specifically to boost productivity early in the development process.

The IDE refined (according to Microsoft)

Visual Studio 2005 is Microsoft's third iteration of a .NET IDE. Is it worth the wait?

At IBM Rational User Conference: I have seen the future and it is Booch

The future of the world will involve more software, but not necessarily more coding, IBM Fellow Grady Booch asserted at the IBM Rational User Conference 2004 in a keynote alternately historical and futuristic.

At IBM Rational User Conference: IBM goes to college

In June 2004, Microsoft made a move to buttress the company’s position in the academic world when it announced a set of low-cost Microsoft Express product lines for Visual Studio and SQL Server. In July, at the IBM Rational User Conference 2004, IBM countered this move by announcing its own initiative to help colleges and universities that train students for careers in information technology.

RSA eases security process for Java developers

RSA, Bsafe SWS-J, may spell relief for Java coders working on Web services applications. The new product provides security mechanisms based on the Oasis WS-Security standard that developers can simply add to their application.

IT interest in Java BPM changing with the times

Finding increasing interest in business process management (BPM) among corporations, Oak Grove Systems is seeking to expand the market for its business process engine (BPE) from ISVs to enterprise customers.

Developer dream date

There are lots of small software vendors that dream about getting bought out by Microsoft. It actually happened to Lookout.

BEA launches SOA kick-start kit

BEA Systems is characterizing a new high-end version of its WebLogic Server -- the BEA WebLogic Server Process Edition -- as the convergence of business process management (BPM) and service-oriented application development.

At IBM Rational Conference: IBM rolls out Workplace tools

IBM Rational lifted the lid on improved developer technologies, including a new diagram navigator for Rose; support for UML 2.0 capabilities, including diagram sequencing, client remoting and management for ClearCase; as well as faster UI building with JavaServer Faces (JSF) technology.