Application Development Trends' News

Tape-On-Disk Data Gives Greater Access for Enterprises

For budding enterprises, data management in a mainframe environment is a chore to most and a headache to others. But, with a new tape solution, for some the process has been a feat of epic proportions.

High-Profile Developer Jumps the Windows Live Ship

A recent high-profile Microsoft hire, brought onboard to work on Chief Software Architect Ray Ozzie's Windows Live vision, has departed, citing a pullback on plans he had signed on to implement.

Best Practices: Building a Test-Driven Development Team

Thanks to the rise of agile software development, more and more code jockeys are embracing software testing as a means to accelerate development and improve overall quality levels.

AJAX-based Platform Lets Users Share Apps With the World

Whether apps are accessed strictly within an enterprise or developers need to share Web-based docs with outside parties, one content sharing platform is using AJAX technology to enhance search and browse features for its on-demand service.

Microsoft's AJAX to Ship Earlier?

Companies are already using Microsoft's ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX features, a few even in production environments. Microsoft reports more than half a million downloads of the free "Atlas," now available as a Community Technology Preview, with Go Live license.

Modernizing Legacy Mainframe Apps Saves Dev Time, Money

By modernizing instead of replacing legacy mainframe apps, Tulsa County in Oklahoma improved access to county property records and legal documents and saved an estimated $300,000. However, cost-savings was only one element: Using Software AG’s ApplinX improved customer relations and cut development time.

New Software to Secure SOA-driven Apps

Security remains a key reason why some developers continue to shy away from service-oriented architectures (SOA) but as awareness grows, so are solutions. And IBM announced plans to release new System z mainframe integration software that will help secure SOA-based apps.

A Closer Look: Oracle’s New Warehouse Builder R2

It’s been a long time coming, but Oracle Corp.’s next-gen Warehouse Builder (OWB) is finally here. It’s actually been here for awhile now, according to Oracle officials, who note that OWB Release 2 has been available—to select customers, anyway—since early May.

Green Up for Grabs in Google Code Contest

Call it a classic clash of the coders. The place and prizes of a growing programming contest were unveiled this week, now Google just needs its participants--programmers who can back their swagger with skills.

Robert C. Martin on Real-World Agile for .NET Developers

Agile adoption is on the rise in large enterprises. In this Q&A, ADT interviews Robert C. Martin, a creator of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, and the co-author of a new book that puts Agile practices to work in a .NET environment.

Ward Cunningham on Wikis, Patterns, Mashups and More

Ward Cunningham, best known as the inventor of the first wiki (WikiWikiWeb), is currently the director of Committer Community Development at the Eclipse Foundation. Find out what he's up to and what he thinks of current application technologies.

Gartner’s Emerging Trends: AJAX, Model- and Event-Driven Architectures

Model-driven and event-driven architectures are two technologies expected to have a big impact on developers over the next decade. And while many IT professionals are in the dark about much of Gartner’s “Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies,” these architectures, along with AJAX apps, have very bright futures.

Open SOA Sells—But Microsoft Isn’t Buying

Almost a year ago, BEA Systems Inc., IBM Corp., Oracle Corp., SAP AG and four other vendors all put aside their respective differences—in public, anyway—to form an informal SOA advocacy alliance, Open SOA. Presumably, the alliance will offer the same terms to Microsoft Corp., which—not surprisingly—remains a prominent hold-out.

Ruby on Rails Hits the Skids With Serious Flaw

The Ruby on Rails management team has released fixes for a serious security vulnerability in several versions of its development tool that could allow an attacker to take down a Rails process.

Apocalypse How? Next-gen Viruses, Worms

Recent worms and viruses targeting Web apps didn’t have much impact, but may only be the tip of the iceberg. Researchers warn that the next iterations of these attacks are imminent and could have catastrophic results.

Will the EdgeClick Mobile App Platform Resurrect SCO?

The SCO Group announced a developer program and key partnerships with Microsoft, Palm and Day-Timers for its EdgeClick mobile app platform this week. SCO is pursuing app mobilization after a slowdown in UNIX server sales and a costly, ongoing legal battle with IBM.

Sun Pitches New Data Analysis Solution

With Major League Baseball’s fan base more interactive than ever, following two leagues, six divisions, 30 teams and a countless combination of statistics ranging from RBIs to ERAs, is one biz calling a new data warehouse appliance a homerun.

JavaScript Security Vulnerabilities: Weakness in Web 2.0

A glaring spotlight is now focused on vulnerabilities inherent in a key enabler of the new breed of dynamic Web pages. Demonstrations at last week's annual Black Hat cybersecurity conference employed Web-page-embedded JavaScript to attack corporate servers.

Open-source framework integrates AJAX and JSF

The final release of open-source AJAX4jsf framework 1.0 is now available. The project extends the benefits of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) functionality to component framework JavaServer Faces (JSF), which supports UI development for J2EE applications.

Java-based OLAP Opens Up to Excel

An open-source Java project has opened up to Excel. Now developers using the Mondrian OLAP can apply the Microsoft app and receive support options under the project’s new spreadsheet services.