Solution offers an alternative way to extend Visual Basic 6 projects and work across platforms.
Development tool facilitates Ruby coding using Rails framework.
No word yet on whether Microsoft will take next step in appeal process.
Microsoft has re-organized its developer division, tapping .NET Framework head Jason Zander to oversee the team that puts together Visual Studio, the company's flagship development environment.
No stone was left unturned as BEA Systems announced new products and initiatives at its BEAworld event.
Products and partnerships announced at event.
New recommendations aim to facilitate data sharing and mashups.
Microsoft this week released a key update to its SOA-based middleware platform—BizTalk.
Exploit code uses old Microsoft help icon.
New Enterprise Edition product makes it easier for companies to manage software development projects through the use of templates and improved collaboration tools.
Nine files changed on both Windows XP and Windows Vista.
Latest version of open source database is designed to improve performance and simplify management of large applications.
The industry coalition has rallied around its new OpenAjax Hub spec as key means to ensure interoperability for rich browser interactions, as well as to enable mashups.
You aren't doing your job if another developer can't look at your source and figure out -- easily -- what you were doing.
Microsoft pumps out four patches for September.
Websites that provide a rich Web experience get more clicks and make more dollars, all else being equal. The trick is figuring out what users regard as rich.
Recent events bode ill for the dominant productivity suite.
Pervasive, which has been developing database and data integration software for about 20 years, is set to release the Beta 2 version of the 100-percent Java DataRush framework sometime next month.
Tool is timed to release with Windows Server 2008.
The company is rolling out a solution to better handle Java's complexities in data-intensive applications using multiple processors.